Function to remove specific values from an object (including nested values), by default only null values are removed, but an array of values to remove can be passed as second argument:
function cleanObject(obj, valueToClean = [null]) {
if (!isObject(obj)) { // isObject defined below
throw new Error('"obj" argument must be of type "object"');
const cleanObj = {};
let filter = valueToClean;
for (let key in obj) {
const objValue = obj[key];
if (Array.isArray(valueToClean)) {
filter = val => valueToClean.includes(val);
} else if (typeof valueToClean !== 'function') {
filter = val => val === valueToClean;
if (isObject(objValue)) {
cleanObj[key] = cleanObject(objValue, filter);
} else if (!filter(objValue)) {
cleanObj[key] = objValue;
return cleanObj;
function from: Is value an object
function isObject(val){
return (
val != null &&
typeof val === 'object' &&
Array.isArray(val) === false
const clean = cleanObject({ name: 'Manolo', email: null, tags: null });
// > { name: 'Manolo' }
const clean = cleanObject({ name: 'Manolo', email: null, tags: [] }, [null, []]);
// > { name: 'Manolo' }