This article contains a list of 10 books that can take you from a Javascript newbie to a pro.
Hey Folks! 👋
This article contains my top ten book recommendations for learning Javascript. It contains something for everyone so whether you've just started your journey or are a seasoned developer, you'll still find something of use here.
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1. JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford
As the name suggests, this is a book that focuses on the best parts of Javascript.
It covers the essential concepts without the unnecessary ones.
2. Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke
Quite possibly the most comprehensive book on Javascript that I've ever come across.
I don't recommend this for beginners but this is surely a must-read.
3. You Don't Know JS series by Kyle Simpson
Instead of one book, this is a series of books that dives deep into all aspects of Javascript.
A must-read for every Javascript enthusiast!
4. JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development" by Jon Duckett
If you're a front-end developer & work with jQuery, this is a no-brainer.
It is a comprehensive book & covers everything from basic syntax to advanced topics.
5. Functional JavaScript by Michael Fogus
If you're learning react or wanna learn it, the functional way (which is the 'modern' way), this is for you.
It teaches functional programming using Javascript, which is used in modern React.
6. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide by David Flanagan
This is another comprehensive book on Javascript that covers almost all aspects of Javascript.
It is really handy for quick reference and is a must-read for any Javascript learner.
7. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani
This book is meant for people who want to learn the design patterns of Javascript.
It is an excellent book for folks who wanna write maintainable and scalable Javascript code.
8. Effective JavaScript by David Herman
This is another book
This book provides practical advice and best practices for writing effective JavaScript code. It covers topics like data structures, functions, and error handling.
9. High-Performance JavaScript by Nicholas C. Zakas
As evident from the name, this book is about optimizing Javascript code for the best performance.
It covers various techniques that will help you in writing performant code.
10. JavaScript: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland
Lastly, this is another book that covers Javascript extensively.
Everything from basic syntax to advanced topics is covered here.
That concludes this article for today!
If you're reading it, you will also like our other articles so please check them out.
Also, I must have missed listing some other gems so if you know of any, please add them in the comments down below.
Thanks for reading and see you in the next one!
Bubye! 👋
~ SS