Become a React Developer in a Weekend

Jeremy Morgan - Feb 7 '20 - - Dev Community

If you want to be a React Developer, there's a lot to learn. You can get started in a weekend. Yes, in a single weekend, you can learn React and start developing some cool applications! With structured learning from specialized courses you can hit the ground running.

Here's how I would approach it.

Friday Night

Ok, instead of binge-watching some TV show Friday night (no judgment, I've been there), you could spend the time learning the basics of React. If you've never touched React or done anything with it, The Big Picture is the place to start.

If you have played around with it, done some tutorials, etc, skip to the Getting Started course.

Take these courses and understand the big idea behind React and how it works.

1. React: The Big Picture

How to Learn React in a Weekend

This is the intro level course to take if you've never done anything in React, and you want to understand how it all works and how to get started. Click here to take this course

2: React: Getting Started

How to Learn React in a Weekend

This course will get you up and running and creating things. Click here to take this course

Total Time: 5 hours, 13 minutes

With these two under your belt, you'll be able to build actual applications that do something. You'll have a great understanding of the React ecosystem. Not a bad way to spend a Friday night.


Ok, so you're up bright and early Saturday morning. Grab your wake up beverage of choice and get started.

3: React Fundamentals

How to Learn React in a Weekend

This course starts to deep into React. You'll learn about things like

  • Components
  • JSX
  • Events
  • Forms
  • State

If you only take one of the courses listed here, make it this one. Click here to take this course

4: Using React Hooks

How to Learn React in a Weekend

After completing the fundamentals course, you'll have a good base for learning about hooks. React Hooks provide a direct API to React concepts you will already know like props, state, context, refs, and lifecycle events. Click here to take this course

Next, it's time to put all this to work:

5: Project: Build a Quiz Component With React

How to Learn React in a Weekend

In this project, you'll follow along with our instructions and build a simple quiz component with React 16.x. You'll create several components across different files, pass data as props, and propagate events up and down a chain of components.

This will enable you to apply what you've learned today. Click here to start this project

Total Time: 8 hours, 36 minutes


So you had a full day Saturday and learned a ton. You've probably already started to build different applications to experiment with things. You can already build applications at this point, but now it's time to get serious.

Since there are only so many hours in a day, you should choose between one of these courses:

Course: Create Apps with React and Flux

How to Learn React in a Weekend

Get started with React, React Router, and Flux by building a data-driven application that manages Pluralsight course data. This course uses a modern client-side development stack, including create-react-app, Node, Webpack, Babel, and Bootstrap.
Click here to take this course.

Time: 5 Hours, 11 Minutes

Or you could focus on Redux:

Course: Create Apps with React and Redux

How to Learn React in a Weekend

Learn how to use React, Redux, React Router, and modern JavaScript to build an app with React. Use Webpack, Babel, Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme, and more to build a custom React development environment and build process from the ground up. Click here to take this course.

Time: 6 hours, 39 minutes

Extra Credit

Once you're done with those, you've learned to build some serious applications. To top it off, I'd look at one of these courses:

7: Styling React Components

How to Learn React in a Weekend

If you want to know how to style components, this is a great course that covers them in-depth. Click here to take this course

8: Securing Apps With Auth0

How to Learn React in a Weekend

Authentication is a must, and with this course, you'll be able to connect your apps to Auth0 with ease.

Click here to take this course.

So some combination of these puts you right where you need to be to start developing React applications. You won't be an expert, but you'll be able to develop applications. You'll have already developed quite a few in the courses.

What a Weekend!!

By the end of this weekend, you'll go from knowing React exists to building real React applications. If you can create an application on your own and deploy it you can call yourself a React Developer. You'll only improve from here.

I would suggest not only taking these courses but experiment and play around with it as you go. If you're curious how a particular feature works or want to experiment, doing it on your machine as you're learning is the best way for the concepts to sink in.

So, if you follow this path, please let me know in the comments how it went!! I would love to hear your story!!

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