Lessons from opensource: Log "new version is available" to your CLI

Ramu Narasinga - Mar 2 - - Dev Community

These lessons are picked from next.js/create-next-app open source code. In this article, you will learn how the CLI logs that a new version of create-next-app is available when there is a new version released.

CLI logs

// The following code snippet is from: 
// https://github.com/vercel/next.js/blob/canary/packages/create-next-app/index.ts#L473

import checkForUpdate from 'update-check'

const update = checkForUpdate(packageJson).catch(() => null)

async function notifyUpdate(): Promise<void> {
  try {
    const res = await update
    if (res?.latest) {
      const updateMessage =
        packageManager === 'yarn'
          ? 'yarn global add create-next-app'
          : packageManager === 'pnpm'
          ? 'pnpm add -g create-next-app'
          : packageManager === 'bun'
          ? 'bun add -g create-next-app'
          : 'npm i -g create-next-app'

        yellow(bold('A new version of `create-next-app` is available!')) +
          '\n' +
          'You can update by running: ' +
          cyan(updateMessage) +
  } catch {
    // ignore error
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update-check is an npm package, If there's a new update available, the package will return the content of latest version's package.json file. Quite simple and powerful.


Now you know how your CLI notifies whenever there is new release available for your globally installed packages. 

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