Next.js Codebase Analysis <> create-next-app <> index.ts explained — Part 1.4

Ramu Narasinga - Jan 24 - - Dev Community

In the previous article, we logged the program variable and saw some json. In this article, let’s understand how to access an option value passed, specifically program.resetPreferences

Let’s modify the log to print program.resetPreferences

Access options passed in CLI:

  1. Add the following as your first line in run():
console.log("program.resetPreferences:", program.resetPreferences);
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  1. Build the create-next-app
npm run build
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  1. Run the following command
npx create-my-app --reset-preferences
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You pass –reset-preferences option to the cli



So, to find out if any of the options you configured using Commander are passed in the CLI, you can access the flag using camelCase.


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