Next.js Codebase Analysis <> create-next-app <> index.ts explained - Part 1.8

Ramu Narasinga - Jan 29 - - Dev Community

In the previous article, I wrote about the usage of prompt package to set the project name for your create-next-app.

In this article, I will explain lines 265–274 in index.ts

// if there is no projectPath provided
// ie., no name is set for your next project
// this is how it is handled
if (!projectPath) {
      '\nPlease specify the project directory:\n' +
        `  ${cyan(} ${green('<project-directory>')}\n` +
        'For example:\n' +
        `  ${cyan(} ${green('my-next-app')}\n\n` +
        `Run ${cyan(`${} --help`)} to see all options.`
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But for the above logs to appear, I had to comment the initial set to my-app like below:

const res = await prompts({
      // onPromptState is a function available at
      onState: onPromptState,
      type: 'text',
      name: 'path',
      message: 'What is your project named?',
      // initial: 'my-app',
      // validates ensures to follow npm package name guidelines
      // availabe here:
      validate: (name) => {
        const validation = validateNpmName(path.basename(path.resolve(name)))
        if (validation.valid) {
          return true
        return 'Invalid project name: ' + validation.problems[0]
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initial: ‘my-app’ is commented

Now, I will show you what it is like without commented initial: ‘my-app’

if (!projectPath) {
    // Read more about prompts here: 
    const res = await prompts({
      // onPromptState is a function available at
      onState: onPromptState,
      type: 'text',
      name: 'path',
      message: 'What is your project named?',
      initial: 'my-app',
      // validates ensures to follow npm package name guidelines
      // availabe here:
      validate: (name) => {
        const validation = validateNpmName(path.basename(path.resolve(name)))
        if (validation.valid) {
          return true
        return 'Invalid project name: ' + validation.problems[0]
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Build the project and run npx create-my-app

Image description

If you do not enter a name for next project, it defaults to my-app.


This makes me wonder if it is worth to have that projectPath null safeguard described above when it always defaults to my-app unless initial is not set. May be I should create a pull request for this? idk.

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