Symfony Station Communiqué — 06 January 2023. A look at Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity News!

Reuben Walker, Jr. - Jan 7 '23 - - Dev Community

This communiqué originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony, PHP, and Cybersecurity news.

Welcome to this week's Symfony Station Communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities. We also cover the cybersecurity world in detail. And there are a good number of Drupal items this week.

Please take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.

As always, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our latest communiqué and our newest article in their Week of Symfony.

My opinions will be in bold.

Many of the items we curate are on Medium. I recommend investing in a membership as you can access everything you want to read. It’s a small investment in boosting your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.

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As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.

Highlight -> “This week, Symfony 5.4.18, 6.0.18, 6.1.10, and 6.2.4 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 6.3 version improved the performance of service container compilation and added a StreamedJsonResponse for efficient JSON streaming.“

A Week of Symfony #835 (26 December 2022 - 1 January 2023)

Symfony announced:

SymfonyLive Paris 2023 - Appel à étudiants volontaires

Symfony 6.2 "The Fast Track" new translations in Italian and German

Symfony conferences - All you need to know for 2023

SymfonyCasts continued their Netgen Layouts course.

This week on SymfonyCasts

Featured Item

Featured item graphic

Chris Coyier of CSS Tricks fame writes: “one gets the feeling that if any of the huge platform-producing tech companies could have their way, they’d have us all writing proprietary
apps for their platform only. Right this second, the web feels like it’s in a good spot, but it also feels like the native vs. web battle is a swinging pendulum.

Say, somehow, the web is dealt some massive blow, and native apps have all the momentum. As in, for native apps to somehow become the default choice for organizations building digital products.

What does it look like for the web to lose?

Support PWAs peeps.

This Week

Nacho Colomina publishes two articles this week:

Managing API responses for exceptions on Symfony using KernelEvents

Creating your own security attribute with Symfony

.com software looks at:

Binding Self-Validating Domain Models to Symfony Forms

I ran across a new book with a Symfony section by Gunnard Engebreth:

PHP 8 Basics

David Garcia asks:

Why are there developers that say the Symfony PHP Framework is slow?

Mauceri Paola shows us how to:

Set up Nelmio Bundle with Symfony


Why every developer should care about API documentation


Tschallacka shows us:

How to persist data between requests for form validation in Magento 2


Abi Walker shares:

9 reasons to upgrade to Drupal 9 or 10 from Drupal 7

And in a similar vein, David Kirkwood examines upgrading and asks:

To Drupal, or Not to Drupal: Part 1

Matt Robison explores:

Microsites in Drupal

Golems shows us how to:

Enable Responsive Layouts with Viewport Meta Tag

And Balaji Dharma shows us:

How to display the contact form as a block in Drupal

The Peoples Blog examines:

Colima - a tool like Docker Desktop, for Drupal Development

Also, on the local dev front, Shreyal Mandot shows us:

How To Accelerate Drupal Development with Lando

mandclu explores:

Getting Personal with Dates and Times

WordPress has:

2022: the Gutenberg block developer’s year in review

This is included because you can use Gutenberg with Drupal.

Previous Weeks

Nadiia Nykolaichuk looks at how to:

Simplify the installation of Drupal modules with Project Browser

PHP logo


This Week

Andrei Birta has two articles for us:

PHP and Threads

PHP Magic methods _call() and _callStatic()

Digital Owl's Prose has a guest post on:

5 PHP web scraping libraries that you should use

Valerio of Inspector fame asks:

What is serialization in PHP

PeakD explores:

Running Lando on GitHub Actions

We found a fantastic source of PHP articles via Mastodon. Gunnard Engebreth wrote the PHP 8 book we mentioned above so it’s no surprise he’s diving into 8.2 with a series of blog posts:

PHP 8.2: New Random Extension

PHP 8.2: null, false, and true as stand-alone types

PHP 8.2 : Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Types

PHP 8.2 : Union Types

PHP 8.2 : Readonly Classes

PHP tempfile function

orhanerday has two articles on “AI” and PHP:

Creating chatGPT with PHP

OpenAI for PHP

Tideways looks at:

Tideways » PHP Performance in 2022: A Year in Review

WilliamP is starting:

30 Days of PHPUnit Automated Testing【Day 1】

David Carr shares how to:

PHP Generate a UL menu from an array

And Farhan Tanvir shares:

7 Useful JetBrains IDE Plugins to Make Your Life Easier

Tomas Votruba shows us:

How to release PHP 8.1 and 7.2 package in the Same Repository

David Loor asks:

What are the benefits of PHP 8.1 and the Commands to upgrade from an older version on Nginx?

Matus Stafura shares an:

Introduction to Doubly Linked List and Basic Operations in PHP

Previous Weeks

Junaid Qadir examines:

Publishing Your First Composer Package

Andrei Birta has a good article to bookmark:

How to set PHP environment on Windows 10 and 11

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Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).

The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes and other douchebaggery

Darkreading reports on:

War and Geopolitical Conflict: The New Battleground for DDoS Attacks

Reuters reports:

Russia risks causing IT worker flight with remote working law

The New York Times reports:

Russian Troops’ Use of Cellphones Is a Persistent, Lethal Danger

The Associated Press reports:

Drone advances in Ukraine could bring dawn of killer robots

The Wall Street Journal reports:

Ukraine Has Digitized Its Fighting Forces on a Shoestring

The Evil Empire Strikes Back

Reuters has an:

Exclusive: Russian hackers targeted U.S. nuclear scientists

The Intercept reports:

Hacked Russian Files Reveal Propaganda Agreement With China

Euronews reports:

Pro-Russian agents working to turn Germany against Ukraine

Phil Rosen reports:

North Korean hackers are posing as VC firms to steal crypto - and a
blockchain expert says 2023 could bring more cyberattacks than ever

Voice of America reports:

Trolling of Female Asian Journalists on Rise as Beijing Seeks to Discredit Media

Sounds like a particular political party in the United States.

Speaking of which, Rolling Stone reports:

Leaked Jan. 6 Committee Report Exposes Twitter's Post-Insurrection Chaos


VentureBeat reports:

Defensive vs. offensive AI: Why security teams are losing the AI war

BleepingComputer reports:

Ransomware gang cloned victim’s website to leak stolen data

The Hacker News reports:

The FBI's Perspective on Ransomware

DarkReading shares:

Beyond the Obvious: The Boldest Cybersecurity Predictions for 2023

Andrew Plato has:

Cybersecurity Anti-Predictions for 2023

CNN reports:

Hackers post email addresses linked to 200 million Twitter accounts, security researchers say

The Washington Post reports:

Europe’s cybersecurity dance card is full

And that’s a good thing.

They also have:

U.S. national cyber strategy to stress Biden push on regulation

The Next Web looks at:

EU tech policy predictions: What to expect in 2023


They also have:

How the EU plans to take on big tech in 2023

Douglas Rushkoff looks at:

The Year Tech Bro Lunacy Was Exposed

Opensource shares:

7 Git articles every open-source practitioner should read

Mickaël Andrieu shows us:

How to Use Google BigQuery for FREE

Ahmad Shadeed explains:

CSS Style Queries

Ryan Carniato looks at:

JavaScript Frameworks - Heading into 2023

Nouman Rahman shares:

Why Svelte is becoming the next React and I love it

SmashingMag looks at:

State of Usability In 2023

TechCrunch looks:

Inside Matrix, the protocol that might finally make messaging apps interoperable

Ars Technica explores:

Mastodon - and the pros and cons of moving beyond Big Tech gatekeepers

That’s it for this week. Please share this communiqué.

Also, be sure to join our newsletter list at the bottom of our site’s pages. Joining gets you each week's communiqué in your inbox (a day early).

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Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts? If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉

More importantly, if you are a Ukrainian company with coding-related products, we can offer free promotion on our Support Ukraine page. Or, if you know of one, get in touch.

Keep coding Symfonistas!

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Reuben Walker headshot

Reuben Walker


Symfony Station

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