This article originally appeared on Symfony Station.
Welcome to this week's Symfony Station Communique. It 's a weekly review of the most valuable and essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities.
Thanks to the team at Symfony's blogfor featuring our previous Communique on Sunday!
We are loading up on articles this week. We are going to Bavaria; sorry strike that, Cape Cod to celebrate Octoberfest and may not have time for long newsletters in the next two weeks. ;)
*Please note all links will open in a new browser window. My opinions, if I present any, will be in italics.
This week
Let's start as we always will with the official weekly post of everything new from Symfony for last week.
Highlight →
" This week, Symfony continued preparing the upgrade to a fully-typed codebase, including the release of a command utility to patch type declarations in your own code and a blog post explaining how to prepare your apps and bundles for Symfony 6. Finally, the Call for Papers for the upcoming SymfonyWorld 2021 conference will close next week. "
A Week of Symfony #768 (13–19 September 2021)
Continuing from the Symfony team, it's time to start preparing for Symfony 6.
Preparing Your Apps and Bundles for Symfony 6
Wouter J has more details about the Symfony 6 transition regarding PHP8 and Native Typing.
Symfony 6: PHP 8 Native Types & Why we Need YOU
The news also came out that Symfony Flex is Going Serverless.
Symfony Flex is Going Serverless
The tutorials featured in SymfonyCasts this week cover Doctrine and Foundry.
Here's a look at authenticating user roles and permissions with Vue.js & Symfony.
Vue.js & Symfony - roles authentication
Want to know how Doctrine, Symfony, AWS, and MySQL can play nice together?
Configure Doctrine in Symfony to use AWS Secret values as MySQL connection parameters
And here is a valuable resource.
Doctrine - DQL functions cheat-sheet
This month
joliCode takes a look at the Symfony HttpClient component.
Symfony HttpClient and sequential requests assertions
Eton Digital takes a look at us and our so-called rival.
The Ultimate PHP Duel: Symfony Or Laravel?
They also have this helpful article.
ED's Developers Recommend: 6 Imperative Symfony Bundles
Here are two excellent articles looking at Symfony, Webpack Encore, and TailwindCSS.
Using Tailwind CSS and PurgeCSS with Symfony Encore
This week
Fabio Hiroki posted this unique article about using reflection as a tool to inspect your code and bypass static typing.
Improve your PHP code's testability
Doeke Norg looks at the similar but different Decorator and Proxy Patterns.
Decorator Pattern vs. Proxy Pattern
Kinsta has this useful and extensive guide to writing our source code with PHP 8.0 and transpiling it to a previous PHP version - even to PHP 7.1.
The Ultimate Guide for Transpiling PHP Code
This month
If you subscribe to PHP Architect, Tomas Votruba also has an article on the topic.
Why Would Anyone Want to Downgrade Their PHP Code?
There were several exciting RFCs for PHP earlier in the month by Tyson Andre.
RFC: Add final class Vector
to PHP
Adding final class Deque
to PHP
Here's a video that's just as relevant to Symphony as it is to Laravel.
4 PHP OOP Topics Laravel Devs Need to Master
Alexandre Daubois wants us to code better together.
PSR - The PHP Standards Recommendations Guide
This one is self-explanatory.
Everyone knows Legacy Code and PHP are not synonyms. If you don't, then read this.
It's not legacy code - it's PHP
A look at what's coming for Docker.
Accelerating New Features in Docker Desktop
There's more Docker info from Tech Republic here.
How to pass environment variables to Docker containers
And this ends the Docker trifecta.
Using Blackfire Player with Docker
Here's a new way to support Open Source Contributors.
Open Collective Launches New Way to Support Open Source
through Public Stock Shares
This is fantastic community news for troubleshooting and debugging issues.
Slack launches new media sharing features
And finally, according to ZNet:
Turns out low-code and no-code is valuable to professional developers, too
What do you think?
For many, and I mean many, more articles on Symfony and PHP coding, visit our Symfony for the Devil Flipboard Magazine or follow us on Twitter @SymfonyStation.
I will be updating them while enjoying Octoberfest.
That's it for this week. I look forward to sharing next week's Symfony and PHP news with you on Friday.
Please share this post. :)
Happy coding Symfonistas!
Reuben Walker
Founder Symfony Station
Reuben is also Ringmaster of Mobile Atom Media and its division Mobile Atom Code.