This communiqué originally appeared on Symfony Station, your source for cutting-edge Symfony and PHP news.
Welcome to this week's Symfony Station Communiqué. It's your review of the essential news in the Symfony and PHP development communities. We also cover the cybersecurity world in detail.
Take your time and enjoy the items most relevant and valuable to you.
As always, thanks to Javier Eguiluz and Symfony for sharing our last communiqué in their Week of Symfony.
My opinions will be in bold.
Many of the items we curate are on Medium. I recommend investing in membership as you can access everything you want to read. It’s a small investment in boosting your career. As you may have noticed, non-members can only access a limited number of articles per month.
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As always, we will start with the official news from Symfony.
Highlight -> “This week, Symfony development activity focused on ULID and UUID generation. In addition to fixing some bugs and adding new Max UUID and Max ULID values, we added support for UUID v7 and v8. Lastly, we published an article about solving the SPA or traditional app dilemma
in Symfony applications.“
A Week of Symfony #819 (5-11 September 2022)
Symfony announced:
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022: The Evolution of Symfony: Now and to the Future!
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022: Let's play Jeopardy together!
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022: Symfony UX without JS toolchain?! #UseThePlatform
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022: Headless possibilities
SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris 2022: GNAP: The future of OAuth
Featured Item
William Arin share that he “had a monolithic dream. While the world is falling apart into microservices, I had a vision of WordPress and Symfony merging together. The monolith was so big it could fill an ocean. The dream was so clear it was almost like I've done it. So I tried to do it, and it was actually much easier than expected.
Sword is WordPress run by Symfony. Your WordPress code has access to all Symfony features, while your Symfony code can be WordPress-independent. Build your theme or child-theme just like you would build a Symfony app.”
I plan on checking this out when I have time. Very interesting.
Sword: Symfony meets WordPress
This Week
Tutomarks shares this video.
Intégration de React dans Symfony
Why you would want to do this, I don’t know.
.com continues his series:
#9 Protecting from Concurrent Access
And has this exciting announcement of a new project:
Modular Monolith Application in Symfony
Jarek looks at:
Securing API With JWT In Symfony
Integral Service explores:
Sylius, comment mettre en place un mode catalogue
Graziano Casto starts a new series:
[PrestaShop] Extends original e-mail templates: the clean ways! (pt.1)
Jack Seifert asks:
WooCommerce Vs Magento: Which is the Best eCommerce Platform?
Théodore Biadala shares:
A better Drupal marketplace ranking
The Drupal Association addressed the issue here:
Helping maintain high value Drupal contributions
Jason Rockowitz provides an update on his blueprint module: Blueprints in 7 minutes
Previous Weeks
Markie shares:
Simplified Drupal Field Template (but the same markup rendered)
Ibra explores:
Batch processing with Symfony and Docker
This Week
Roman Ushakov examines:
PHP: attributes vs annotations. Optimising Doctrine metadata
H Bahonar show us how to:
Convert JPG, PNG, GIF and, WebP in PHP
Walter Nascimento explores:
Andrew Pogulailo looks at:
Collections — How to improve your PHP code
.com wants us to:
Stop Using the “Singleton” Pattern
And do:
Unit Testing Closures “The Right Way”
Dan Jones explores:
Accessing Private Properties in PHP without Reflection
Peham Raza shares:
Pro Tips: How to avoid database deadlocks when working with CRON jobs
Manjit Baishya is learning PHP and sharing some good insights.
Matthias Noback asks:
Is it a DTO or a Value Object?
IT Exam Tools shares:
PHP's Most Important Practice Questions and Answers
Sergey Shkarupa looks at:
Previous Weeks
Please visit our Support Ukraine page to learn how you can help kick Russia out of Ukraine (eventually).
The cyber response to Russia’s War Crimes
WP Tavern reports: Defies Marked Increase in Russian Takedown Demands
Wired reports:
Ukraine’s Cyberwar Chief Sounds Like He’s Winning
The Evil Empire Strikes Back
Decipher reports:
Iranian Attackers Upgrade Social Engineering Tactics
Venture Beat reports on:
How zero trust can help battle identities under siege
Alexis C. Gridel shows us:
How to enable the new UI in Jetbrains products
Tyler Lacoma shares:
Here’s why people are saying two-factor authentication isn’t perfect
Maryam Sulemani explores:
MongoDB vs MySQL: Which database to use
Mickaël Andrieu looks at:
MySQL 8 et Machine Learning : la régression linéaire
Machine Learning with SQL: Linear Regression
And .com shares:
MySQL Backup Tool You Have Never Heard About
Speaking of SQL, OpenLampTech recently interviewed me.
Developer Interview with Reuben Walker
I enjoyed the interview and want to thank Joshua here.
Richard Rembert shares:
A Web Developers Workflow for GitHub
GitHub reflects on:
Building the future of the command line
And has:
8 things you didn’t know you could do with GitHub Copilot
GitLab is:
Pursuing faster time-to-merge for wider community contributions
Rizèl Scarlett asks:
Why are people developing inside containers?
John Collinsworth reflects on:
The self-fulfilling prophecy of React
There is a quote in here similar to what I have been saying till I am blue in the face. “The only thing React is good at is being popular.”
Fatfish (Catfish’s cousin) shares the:
5 Most Exciting ES2022 Features You Should Know About
Jason Knight says:
New Features Don’t Mean Stop Using Old Ones Completely!
That’s it for this week. Please share this communiqué.
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Do you own or work for an organization that would be interested in our promotion opportunities? Or supporting our journalistic efforts?
If so, please get in touch with us. We’re in our infancy, so it’s extra economical. 😉
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Keep coding Symfonistas!
Reuben Walker
Symfony Station