How to connect to MySQL DB

Said Olano - Oct 8 '23 - - Dev Community

DBeaver Community is a free cross-platform database tool for developers, database administrators, analysts, and everyone working with data. It supports all popular SQL databases like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Apache Family, and more.

To connect into it, first you need to download it from here.

Once download and installed, then start it.

Image description

Then create a new DB connection with the information displayed on the DB settings page of the your DB just created:

Image description

Then, read the info:

Image description

And configure your new DB connection on dbeaver:

Image description

At the end, if all is OK, you will get something like this:

Image description

Then, proceed to download the MySQL Drivers for your laptop/PC.

Next step, test the connection:

Image description

Finally, review the sys DB table:

Image description

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