I spent a good deal of time watching YouTube about non binary and transgender individuals because I just wanted to learn, it's a really interesting subject.
I learned that I am a CIS male and that's okay, to me that's an immutable constant, it means that I am the gender I was assigned at birth, what can I say, I like being me. But there are other people who prefer to not see gender as assignment with either a null value, which is a value in itself, they are non binary, not true, not false.
Why? Well there are a thousands of reasons to feel this way, bit if it where my shoes, gender does drive me mad, I am implicitly less of a parent as a male, I like football as a male etc, it's a massive assumption about your state of mind and I get why you wouldn't want to be a part of this antiquated idea.
Transgender although I'm going to simplify this, is an assignment without typesafety for some, it means being assigned true when they should have been false, I'm not sure if it fits into non binary ways of thinking, wanting to go from this to that is not acknowledging non-binary belief by rejecting gender.
Anyway please don't judge me if I'm wrong, at least I am trying to understand it all for no other reason than because it's the decent thing to do