How do you spell function?
You had to think for a split second didn't you? You probably write the word in some form atleast 30 times per day, 10,950 per year and 87,600 keystrokes just to fit that statistical guess work. But still.. it's a small wonder our keyboards haven't inverted, caught fire, or complained to a workers Union. It's all down to muscle memory (which I will now googlize into my own brains short term memory) and define it thusly:
Muscle memory is a form of procedural memory that involves consolidating a specific motor task into memory through repetition, which has been used synonymously with motor learning.
Ace now we have that out the way, thanks googled generic text, I can't spell because I have been told I am dyslexic. But I can code because I need to get it write in order to survive at life, this is my job and my hobby. So yeah working with me is probably full of typos and disorganized rambles because dyslexia is more than just spelling. It's a state of mind. I want to know your point of view, is dyslexia a label, an excuse or a genuine thing, I won't be offended, so have at it.