How To Change HTML Default Format From Nunjucks To HTML5 In VSCode

Ayu Adiati - Jan 24 '21 - - Dev Community

Hello Fellow Codenewbies ๐Ÿ‘‹

One day I followed a tutorial to create an index.html file and saved it in Nunjucks format.
I honestly don't remember if I changed anything in settings.json when I followed along with the tutorial.

To cut the story short, since then every time I create an HTML file, by default, it would automatically be in Nunjucks format.


In Search For Solution

As I normally do, I googled to find solutions.
And I found the only solution out there.
It's written here that:

You can switch back to HTML by clicking on the word "Nunjucks" in VS Code's status bar.


... This "Language Indicator" is near the bottom-right of VS Code's window.

Try Out The Solution

I got back to my VSCode, and this was how it showed.


The Nunjucks indicator was not on the right, but on the left of the Status Bar.
I thought, "Okay. Maybe there was a typo in the solution."
So I clicked it and it directed me to this tab.


As you can see, by default the HTML is already enabled, while Nunjucks is disabled!
What's going on then?

I searched if any setting for HTML was changed in the settings.json file.
None. I don't see any change.

I also searched by keyword "nunjucks" in the file.
And I only got these lines of Nunjucks in my setting, which assured me that Nunjucks is not set as the default format for HTML.


I successfully pulled my hair at this point.
I was thinking to either reinstall the VSCode or reset the whole settings.

The solution gives a link to the official documentation from VSCode.
It's written there:

... the language indicator - which is located on the right hand of the Status Bar.

So the language indicator is on the right side of the Status Bar. It wasn't a typo.
But there is nothing on the right side.

"Let's try one more time before I reinstall VSCode or reset the whole settings", I said to myself.

I deleted the HTML file and created a new one.
This time, while the file was still opened, I finally see "HTML Nunjucks" on the right side!


I clicked it and it gives me a dropdown menu.
"HTML Nunjucks (nunjucks)" is the configured language.


So I selected the HTML and voilร !


It changes the Nunjucks into HTML5 format! ๐ŸŽ‰

Next, I created a post.html file.
But wait...
Why it gets back to the Nunjucks format?


Apparently, with this solution, I need to do the whole step every time I create a new HTML file ๐Ÿ˜“.

Final Solution

Confused, I decided to do a trial and error.
Nothing to lose. I will definitely reinstall VSCode or reset my whole settings if this one failed.

Again, I clicked the language indicator.
When it shows the dropdown, I selected the "Configure File Association for '.html'...".


And I chose HTML.


I created another file called about.html.
And yes!


Now it goes with HTML5 format by default! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰


To change the default HTML format from Nunjucks to HTML5 in VSCode:

  1. Open the "HTML Nunjucks" file.
  2. Click the language indicator that says "HTML Nunjucks" on the right side of the Status Bar.
  3. Select "Configure File Association for '.html'...".
  4. Select HTML

Author's Note:
Thank you, Surayya, for being there with your patience while I pulled my hair and did 1001 facial expressions ๐Ÿ˜„.

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