2022-2023 is looking like a rough time for Google. . .

Calin Baenen - Aug 24 '22 - - Dev Community

How do you think Google is doing?
How is your experience with them?

Apparently, as it seems, Google as a company has been recently been facing some hardship.
It, along side its child company, YouTube, have fallen to quite a number of blunders recently.


"Why I'm suing YouTube." by Business Casual, uploaded 2022/08/16 (Aug. 16th, 2022.*), essentially a video-essay on why they're filing a lawsuit against YouTube due to despicable behavior, which originally started as a copyright dispute against RT (Russia Today*).

"Google reports customer to police for pedo behavior over doctor photos: THIS is why privacy MATTERS!" by Louis Rossmann, a short overview of a story someone had with their experience with Google. - Their access to Google services got bricked in the process of sending images for medical use.
I can not confirm, but I believe this clip of a news broadcast, uploaded by WION, a.k.a. The World is One News, uploaded 2022/08/23 (Aug. 23rd, 2022.*), is related to the issue.

As a personal experience, I've been terminated from Vimeo due to a clip of someone yelling "No!" multiple times in a way I found humorous.
Vimeo stated that I was canned because it went against their rules that state you can't use content from popular media. - Apparently this rule applies to things that aren't copyrighted, like exclamations.
However, one thing Vimeo did better than YouTube is that it actually let me download the videos I uploaded, in fact, I was even given a one-week window to do so, which is a very generous timeframe.
However, when I was leaving YouTube I had to use some product Google pointed me to, and after not being able to download my videos and emailing YouTube about the issue, they never got back to me.

"OK, Google - “Stop being so evil 😈”" by Mr Techpedia, uploaded 2022/01/17 (Jan. 17th, 2022*), mostly discusses information most people already know, however, it also discusses some alleged deal between Google and Apple, which I can not check the validity of since they don't provide any URLs or "good" screenshots of it.
The video also says that Google censored people, people part of a project referred to as "Open Market", because they spoke out against them.
While I can't validate either of these things, this sounds like a very Google-like story and would be inclined to at least believe the latter.

I'm sure there's tons of other examples of Google being one of the worse companies there is.
But hey, at least they keep snake up to date with some pretty fun gamemodes...

Thanks for reading!

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