5 Productivity Hacks to Supercharge Your Coding Sessions

Calin Baenen - May 1 - - Dev Community

Are you a programmer who struggles to stay focused and productive during long coding sessions?
Well, I'm not – so I am here to deliver you all some motivation in the form ov five 'hacks' that should boost your performance.

Prepare Your Mind

  1. Prepare your mind.

It is always good to be prepared for what is to come, even if you know what's coming.

There are many ways to prepare yourself, such as meditation or yoga.
Are you a coffee-drinker?  Have some pre-coding coffee, then!

Do something that will make you feel better.

Calm Yourself

  2. Calm yourself.

Programming can be stressful, so don't sweat it when you find that you aren't making ample progress.

If you are feeling frustrated or annoyed, put on something calming, like whitenoise, some music, or even your favorite content creator.
If you are feeling stuck, try relieving the block by getting some inspiration from somewhere, such as your favorite content creator.

Do something that will relax you.

Keep Focused

  3. Keep focused.

Being distracted is a large contributing factor to a lack ov productivity.
(I should know — I can be a bit torn between projects.)

Try to close unnecessary browser tabs, such as YouTube, Bluesky, Reddit, et cetera.

Do something that will keep you on task.

Stay in The Zone

  4. Stay in the zone.

It can be hard to remain focused – and, sometimes, you may become fidgety.

Sometimes, to be in your most focused state, you have to take breaks — it can be good to watch a video here and there, or (re)check your emails.

Do something that will keep your mind refreshed.

Ask for Help

  5. Ask for help.

We all run into problems we can't solve by ourselves at first – and that is perfectly fine.
We don't have to face these challenges alone though.

While you may want to be seen as the "alpha-Chad" programmer, you shouldn't pressure yourself into waiting for an answer to tumble to you... like a tumbleweed.

Ask for help.
It is much easier to find a solution to something if you at least prompt the answer to come to you.

Do something that will help others help you.

Implementing these five productivity hacks can have a beneficial effect on your coding sessions.

Thanks for reading!
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