Is there any difference between struct embedding and defining a field with the struct you want to embed?

Calin Baenen - May 24 '21 - - Dev Community

So I'm looking at this article on Structure Embedding in GoLang.
When reading, I came upon this: "Note that the access co.b is a syntactic convenience; we can also do it more explicitly with co.Base.b.".

So if that's just a "syntactic convenience", is structure embedding equal to just adding a field?

type A struct {
  Msg string;
func (this *A) Print() {
  fmt.Println("A: "+this.Msg);

type B struct {
func (this *B) Print() {
  fmt.Println("B: "+this.Msg);
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type A struct {
  Msg string;
func (this *A) Print() {
  fmt.Println("A: "+this.Msg);

type B struct {
  A A;
func (this *B) Print() {
  fmt.Println("B: "+this.A.Msg);
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package main;

import "fmt";

type A struct {
  Msg string;
func (this *A) Print() {
  fmt.Println("A: "+this.Msg);

type B struct {
func (this *B) Print() {
  fmt.Println("B: "+this.Msg);

func main() {
  var test B = B{};
  test.Msg = "Hello!";

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into SoloLearn's Go playground that seems to be the case.

So is there any difference, or am I right about them being the exact same thing?

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