Inside the Box: June Community Update

Filipe Lima - Jul 9 - - Dev Community

Hey there πŸ‘‹

Welcome back to "Inside the Box"! We've packed this issue with all the best bits from last month.


Latest Product News

VS Code Web editor (beta) 🌟 β€” After several weeks of testing and iterations based on feedback from users who tested the experimental VS Code Web editor, it is now available in beta to everyone! To enable the beta editor, click the β€œVS Code Web” button at the right of the editor's top bar.

VS Code Web Editor Overview

Several editor improvements πŸ”§ β€” As part of the rollout of the new editor, we're improving its overall stability and developer experience. If you need your shared URLs to open in the legacy editor, you can use a ?editorMode=v1 query string in the address bar. You can also access the legacy editor by disabling 'Unified platform editor' in the Experiments tab of the User Settings.

Full changelog πŸ“œ β€” Want the inside scoop on everything else we've been working on? Head over to our website and check out the full changelog – it's got all the details!

Events & Community

JS Nation Amsterdam β€” "A full house" doesn't even begin to describe the packed audience that gathered for our very own product engineer, Alex Moldovan, at JS Nation. His talk, "Lessons for building resilient codebases," was praised both for its content and delivery.

JS Nation Amsterdam

Photo: JSNation, Twitter

Sandpack Spotlight: Kempo β€” Our community project highlight of the month goes to Kempo, a tool to build your code playgrounds using Sandpack. Kempo's approach makes it even easier to display live-running code examples, especially in content platforms like Hashnode.


Thank You πŸ–€

We hope you enjoyed this issue of Inside the Box!

We are curious about what you feel is missing from these newsletters and what you would like us to add to the next one!

What should we bring next? Tell us on our community space!

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