CI/CD NodeJS + CircleCi + Heroku Deployement

Abayomi Ogunnusi - Jun 11 '22 - - Dev Community

Let's discuss about CircleCi and Continuous Delivery/Continuous Deployment.
Check out my CICI with Jenkins, which is another CircleCi alternative. _

🎯 Prerequisite

NodeJs and Express Knowledge
Heroku Account
CircleCi Account

To deploy Heroku, let's create up a very simple app.

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Let create our server

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Let's edit our package.json and .env files

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Now we start our server

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In this section 2 we will deploy to Heroku using the Heroku cli

Log in to Heroku

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Create Heroku app

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Let push our codes to Github at this stage

git init && git add . && git commit -m "Initial commit" && git branch -M main && git remote add origin && git push -u origin main
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Next we connect heroku to our apploid app

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Let's add Port to Heroku Environment variable

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We can deploy to Heroku

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Open app on a browser

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In this section, let's setup our circle with github. Head up to circleci and login with Github
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Let's setup and connect our app in CircleCI

Click on the setup project button
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Choose a deployment method

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Choose deploy with Heroku

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Set your env config on circle ci

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Click and run

Let me copy the config file and do some editing on the yml file
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Setup the config.yml file

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Now click on commit and run. Lets see if our build was successful
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Let's add another router called deploy

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Notice we didnt run git push heroku main. Let's if our deploy endpoint is active. Open your browser and type:

Debugging failed build

I made this build fail on purpose in order to show you how to debug minor issues. Click on the failed button for details
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This happened before i didnt add my Heroku api keys and heroku app name in the CircleCi Environment variable.Lets do that right now. Go to account settings on Heroku and copy the key and paste in the env varible on CircleCi
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Go to CircleCi, under project settings and add the env

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Lets repush to github
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Now open your browser to the our deployed url refelct on heroku

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I hope this was helpful. Comment in the section below

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