My tech Journey: Grazac

Abayomi Ogunnusi - Oct 12 '21 - - Dev Community

"The biggest risk is not taking any risk... In a world that is changing quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks". Mark Zuckerberg.

Here's the lovely story of how I got started in technology, namely Back-end Web Development.

Some background information

My name is Abayomi Ogunnusi, and I am a graduate of the Federal University of Agriculture in Abeokuta, Nigeria. As a degree, I majored in Microbiology. During my mandated youth service i did a professional course on Health, Safety and Environmental Management and on completion, I was hired as a Health and Safety Officer in a haulage company.

The arrival of the Corona Virus, however, changed everything.


People lost their jobs as a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, and while I was unaffected, I pondered what would happen if I were?🤷🏽‍♂️. There was no safety net to fall back on and at that point, I realized I needed a career that could grow with me.

I was confined to my home, but my drive to learn new things inspired me to learn a skill. During my search, I came across a 🔎 Tech Hub Link within a few kilometers from my house.
I inquired, attended a meet-up organized by the Tech Hub (Grazac) at that time. I got motivated and decided to learn a skill at that instance.

🥦 Photos for the Meetup

Although the Covid effect was fading, but prior to my decision, I resigned as a Safety Officer and embarked on a Back-end Web Development adventure with Grazac Academy.


After a few weeks of training, I was exposed to the fundamentals of server-side application development and technologies like as Postman, Express-Js (framework), Mongodb (No-SQL Database), and others.

🥦 Image from one of the classes.

I'd like to emphasize the benefits of joining a Tech Community, whether online or in person.

🥦 Networking You get to meet others who have dealt with and overcome the situation you're currently facing.

🥦 Team work: In this field, no one can live alone.
You will get better at working with people and their differences, the earlier you learn to do so, the better.

🥦 Accountability: When working alone as a beginner, it's easy to get distracted and hop from one project to the next.
As a result, you'll have a lot of unfinished projects.
However, a community, especially one that is paid, will push you out of your comfort zone.

The experience of working with a team of developers on a service apartment website called spaceet has been exciting.

🥦 Photo: During a project presentation


I have no regrets about leaving my previous employment and I am glad I took the risk.
This is a stepping stone to greatness, not my end destination.
Continue to learn, network, and believe in yourself.
May the force be with you as we work together to achieve greatness.


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