There were few other items on the agenda, this post focuses only on the proposal updates from the the meeting.
Stage 4:
Intl.DateFormat.prototype.formatRange Add
formatRange(date1, date2)
andformatRangeToParts(date1, date2)
to enable date range formatting.
Stage 3:
JSON modules: ability to import a JSON module in a common way across JavaScript environments.
Ergonomic Brand Checks for Private Fields: Check if an object has a private field, and if not, have some fallback behavior.
Stage 2:
Module Blocks: Module blocks are syntax for the contents of a module, which can then be imported.
Intl.DisplayNames: enable developers to get translation of language, region or script display names on the client, part of ECMA-402.
Intl.DisplayNames V2: A proposal to expose Locale information, such as week data (first day in a week, weekend start day, weekend end day, minimum day in the first week), hour cycle used in the locale, measurement system used in the locale, part of ECMA-402.
Stage 1:
async do
: async do expressions allow you to introduce an asynchronous context within synchronous code without needing an immediately-invoked async function expression.Class brand check:
a meta method to check whethero
have the class brand ofC
.Extend TimeZoneName Option: Extend the timeZoneName option in Intl.DateTimeFormat object to support more formatted options, part of EMCA 402.
option forIntl.DateTimeFormat
option may take 3 values: "never", always", "auto".regex-set-notation: Adopting Unicode behavior for set notation in regular expressions.
Escaping Strings for RegExps: escaping a string for use inside a Regular Expression.
Array find from last:
methods onArray.prototype
.lazy-import: defer module import eval.
Intl LocaleMatcher: Improve locale negotiation correctness and developer productivity part of ECMA-402.