There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 96th TC39 meeting [May 16 - May 18 of 2023].
Stage 4:
Atomics.waitAsync: asynchronous atomic wait.
RegExp v flag: RegExp v flag with set notation + properties of strings"
Well-Formed Unicode Strings: method to determine if a String is well-formed Unicode.
Stage 3:
Decorator Metadata: Extend the Decorators proposal by adding the ability for decorators to associate metadata with the value being decorated.
Float16Array: Float16 on TypedArrays, DataView, Math.f16round
Stage 2:
Base64 for Uint8Array:ArrayBuffer to/from Base64
Promise.withResolvers: Creates a Promise with the reject,resolveandpromise functions placed as methods
on the promise object itself.Time Zone Canonicalization: TC39 Proposal (stacked on Temporal) to improve handling of changes to the IANA Time Zone Database.
Stage 1:
- Intl.ZonedDateTimeFormat: Intl Format for Temporal.ZonedDateTime