There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 101th TC39 meeting [8-11th April 2024].
Stage 1:
tests if a value is anError
instance, irrespective of its Realm origin.Signals: A declarative programming model for updating based on changes to state.
: Proposal to mandate the use ofusing
for certain resources.
Stage 2.7:
Math.sumPrecise: summation method.
Promise.try: an ergonomic, readable, and intuitive way to invoke a function and always get a Promise.
Stage 3:
Redeclarable global eval-introduced vars: Make eval-introduced global vars redeclarable.
Dynamic code brand checks:Flexible brand checks before dynamic code loading.
Stage 4:
Set Methods: New Set methods
Duplicate named capture groups: allow regex capturing group names to be repeated
Hemanth HM