There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress form the meeting that was held between October 25th-28th, 2021.
Stage 4:
Intl.Segmenter: Unicode segmentation in JavaScript slides.
Error Cause :
property on all Error types slides.
Stage 3:
duration formatting slides.
Stage 2:
Destructure Private Fields: Integrate private fields and destructuring slides.
array-grouping: make grouping of items in an array easier slides.
Stage 1:
but which concatenates the “cooked” (escaped string value) strings rather than the raw strings slides.bind-this: A resurrected proposal for a bind-this operator slides.
RegExp Extended Mode and Comments: Extended Mode and Comments for RegExp slides.
RegExp \R Escape: Matches any line ending character sequence slides.
RegExp Buffer Boundaries:
allows to match the start or end of the entire input regardless of whether the m (multiline) flag has been set slides.Evaluator Attributes: Enables the module import syntax to provide extra attributes along with a given import as evaluator attributes with the primary use case in mind of permitting these module type imports for Wasm slides.