Dapper is a simple object mapper for .NET data access which uses Microsoft classes under the covers which has been covered in the following article Using Dapper - C# Part 1 which is part of a series on Dapper.
Recently there has been a minor change with working with stored procedures.
The former method for calling a stored procedure using Dapper the command type was required as shown below with commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure.
private static async Task GetAllEmployees()
await using SqlConnection cn = new(DataConnections.Instance.MainConnection);
// get employees via a stored procedure
var employees =
await cn.QueryAsync<Employee>("usp_GetAllEmployees",
commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure)
Now a developer has a little less coding as the command type is not required.
private static async Task GetAllEmployees()
await using SqlConnection cn = new(DataConnections.Instance.MainConnection);
// get employees via a stored procedure
var employees =
await cn.QueryAsync<Employee>("usp_GetAllEmployees")
To try out the above clone the following repository.
- Under LocalDb create a database named DapperStoredProcedures
- Run Scripts\populate.sql
- Run the project
- GetAllEmployees method returns all records
- GetEmployeeByGender method returns records by gender using an enum.
Since Dapper does not handle DateOnly the following package kp.Dapper.Handlers is used.
using Dapper;
using DapperStoredProcedures1.Classes;
using DapperStoredProcedures1.Models;
using Dumpify;
using kp.Dapper.Handlers;
using Microsoft.Data.SqlClient;
namespace DapperStoredProcedures1;
internal partial class Program
static async Task Main(string[] args)
await Setup();
// Allows Dapper to handle DateOnly types
SqlMapper.AddTypeHandler(new SqlDateOnlyTypeHandler());
await GetAllEmployees();
await GetEmployeeByGender();
private static async Task GetEmployeeByGender()
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[cyan]Female employees[/]");
await using SqlConnection cn = new(DataConnections.Instance.MainConnection);
// get employees via a stored procedure
var employees =
await cn.QueryAsync<Employee>("usp_GetEmployeeByGender",
param: new { GenderId = Genders.Female })
// Nicely display the results from the stored procedure
private static async Task GetAllEmployees()
AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[cyan]All employees[/]");
await using SqlConnection cn = new(DataConnections.Instance.MainConnection);
// get employees via a stored procedure
var employees =
await cn.QueryAsync<Employee>("usp_GetAllEmployees")
// Nicely display the results from the stored procedure
Now a developer has just a little less code to write when working with Dapper and stored procedures. If for some reason this does not work, report this to the Dapper team here.
Also, although code provided uses SQL-Server, this will work with any data provider which supports stored procedures.