Data visualization with React and Ant Design

Matt Angelosanto - Jan 20 '22 - - Dev Community

Written by Muyiwa Femi-Ige✏️

Data visualization is the process of representing information in charts, pictures, etc. There are a host of JavaScript libraries that help to represent data, the most popular of which are React and D3.js. These libraries are powerful and regarded as the best data visualization framework by some — but the D3 syntax can be confusing.

In this article, we will take you on a data visualization journey using React and Ant Design. Implemented as a React UI library, Ant Design is a collection of high-quality components for building rich, interactive user interfaces.

For proper follow-through with this article, the reader should have intermediate knowledge on the following:

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Node.js
  • Code editors like Visual Studio Code, etc.

In this article, we aim to show you the following:

Let’s get on with it!

Setting up the environment

To begin, we will create a React app using the Node package manager (npm). To do this, we will need to follow the steps below.

First, download Node.js, if you haven’t already. On successful installation of Node, we will open our terminal in Visual Studio Code to create our React folder. Follow the steps below:

  • cd to our preferred directory
  • Type the script below in our terminal. Note! my-apps is our React folder name
npx create-react-app my-apps
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After installing the Node modules, type cd my-apps on the terminal and start our React app by inputting the command npm start.

On implementation of the above, our React app should look like the below:

Our sample React app

Installing Ant Design

After creating our React folder, in some cases, Ant Design is missing from the modules. The easiest way to add Ant Design is by typing npm install command in our terminal to install all of the necessary modules.

If we have an existing Node module folder, we will type yarn add antd to add the Ant Design module into our Node module folder. We will then need to add the Ant Design chart library into our @antdesign folder using the following command:

yarn add @ant-design/charts
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@ant-design/charts is the library that will help us develop the charts we need for our analysis. Since we are working on flowcharts, we will need to import the flowchart library as well:

yarn add @ant-design/flowchart
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Together with react-dom and react, Ant Design’s flowchart also relies on antd icons, @ant-design/icons, and lodash. To achieve this, we need to install both packages into our application:

yarn add lodash
yarn add @ant-design/icons
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With all this done, our project should now run smoothly. Here is an image of our app folder structure:

The recommended app folder structure

Our package.json file in general should have the following files available in it:

"dependencies": { "@ant-design/icons": "^4.6.0", "antd": "^4.6.3", "lodash": "^4.17.20", "react": ">=16.8.4", "react-dom": ">=16.8.4" }

Data representation using a flowchart

Next, we will create a sub-folder called components in our src folder. This folder will contain a JavaScript file for our flowcharts. We can use import or require statements to start.

First, we will import the necessary CSS file by adding the code below to our App.js file:

import "@ant - design/flowchart/dist/index.css";
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Note! Without importing the CSS, the flowchart widgets will be out of proportion and irresponsive.

Flowchart behavior without Ant Design's CSS flowchart file Flowchart behavior without Ant Design's CSS flowchart file[/caption]

Now, we can import our flowcharts (and other charts) into the App.js file.

For our flowchart, we will create a React component in a new file called flowchart.js. This file will house our flowchart component, which will in turn hold the dataset for our code.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Flowchart } from '@ant-design/charts';
const SampleFlowchart = () => {
 return (

export default SampleFlowchart;
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In the code snippet above, we imported react, react-dom, and Flowchart from the Ant Design chart library. Next, we create our SampleFlowChart component and export it as the default, using React’s functional component rendering mechanism.

<div style={{ height: 600 }}>
    onSave={(d) => {
      console.log(d, JSON.stringify(d));
      position: {
        top: 0,
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
      layout: 'horizontal',
      position: {
        right: 0,
        top: -40,
      style: {
        background: 'transparent',
      position: {
        top: 40,
        left: 0,
        right: 0,
        bottom: 0,
      position: { width: 160, top: 40, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
      position: { width: 200, top: 40, bottom: 0, right: 0 },
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Inserting the code above will display our flowchart dashboard, populated with the necessary widgets to create a flowchart diagram for any application flow. You can decide to use any of these structures, including a parallelogram, an oval, or even a diamond.

The available widgets you can use in your diagrams

Since Antd is a Chinese-based framework, the text on the interface is in Chinese. Do not be alarmed! There is a way around it. You will install the Google Translate free plugin extension in your browser. Specify Google to translate the website and you should be good to go.

Translate the flowchart UI from Chinese to English

Explaining the code snippet

The Flowchart widget creates the panel dashboard that is displayed on the browser:

onSave={(d) => {
    console.log(d, JSON.stringify(d));
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Any time we save our updates, this logs the dataset generated from our designs to the console. These datasets can be shared with anyone to regenerate the flowchart map.

          position: {
            top: 0,
            left: 0,
            right: 0,
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The above snippet sets the position of the toolbar of the interface. By altering the values, we can change the positioning of the toolbar.

Our UI before we set the toolbar position

Our UI after we set the toolbar position

          layout: 'horizontal',
          position: {
            right: 0,
            top: -40,
          style: {
            background: 'transparent',
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The above positions the fit-to-screen, fullscreen, and zoom in/zoom out buttons on the top-right of the screen. Changing the values specifies where we want to position each button on the dashboard.

Before we position the buttons

After we position the button

          position: {
            top: 40,
            left: 0,
            right: 0,
            bottom: 0,
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These props handle the positioning of the central canvas on the screen, where you can drag and drop widgets from the sidebar to display them.

          position: { width: 160, top: 40, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
          position: { width: 200, top: 40, bottom: 0, right: 0 },
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These props handle the panels on either side of the screen. The nodepanelprops handle the nodes housed in the left panel. On the other side, the right panel shows the details of the highlighted widget.

The nodePanelProps handle the nodes on the left panel

The right panel displays the highlighted widget

There is a default data property of the flowchart widget. This data property takes in the value of the object, and each object has two properties: nodes and edges. Both of these properties are arrays of all the nodes present in the application.

The data obtained from the onSave function call is then displayed in the interface.

Hence, the final code will be:

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Flowchart } from '@ant-design/charts';

const SampleFlowchart = () => {
  return (
    <div style={{ height: 600 }}>
        onSave={(d) => {
          console.log(d, JSON.stringify(d));
          position: {
            top: 0,
            left: 0,
            right: 0,
          layout: 'horizontal',
          position: {
            right: 0,
            top: -40,
          style: {
            background: 'transparent',
          position: {
            top: 40,
            left: 0,
            right: 0,
            bottom: 0,
          position: { width: 160, top: 40, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
          position: { width: 200, top: 40, bottom: 0, right: 0 },
export default SampleFlowchart;
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Our flowchart canvas

Our final product, a basic flowchart

Data visualization with a multiline chart

For our multiline chart, we will create a new file to house it as a component. Let’s name the file multiline.js.

Here is the full code we’ll paste in that file:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Line } from '@ant-design/charts';

const SampleMultiLine = () => {
  const data = [
      "year": "2010",
      "value": 3107,
      "category": "Cars"
      "year": "2010",
      "value": 3812,
      "category": "Buses"
      "year": "2010",
      "value": 1696,
      "category": "Bikes"
      "year": "2010",
      "value": 446,
      "category": "train"
      "year": "2010",
      "value": 67,
      "category": "Walk"
      "year": "2011",
      "value": 3134,
      "category": "Cars"
      "year": "2011",
      "value": 4055,
      "category": "Buses"
      "year": "2011",
      "value": 1756,
      "category": "Bikes"
      "year": "2011",
      "value": 494,
      "category": "train"
      "year": "2011",
      "value": 64,
      "category": "Walk"
      "year": "2012",
      "value": 3200,
      "category": "Cars"
      "year": "2012",
      "value": 4106,
      "category": "Buses"
      "year": "2012",
      "value": 1783,
      "category": "Bikes"
      "year": "2012",
      "value": 519,
      "category": "train"
      "year": "2012",
      "value": 65,
      "category": "Walk"
      "year": "2013",
      "value": 3220,
      "category": "Cars"
      "year": "2013",
      "value": 4126,
      "category": "Buses"
      "year": "2013",
      "value": 1806,
      "category": "Bikes"
      "year": "2013",
      "value": 554,
      "category": "train"
      "year": "2013",
      "value": 68,
      "category": "Walk"
      "year": "2014",
      "value": 3280,
      "category": "Cars"
      "year": "2014",
      "value": 4117,
      "category": "Buses"
      "year": "2014",
      "value": 1823,
      "category": "Bikes"
      "year": "2014",
      "value": 568,
      "category": "train"
      "year": "2014",
      "value": 68,
      "category": "Walk"

  const config = {
    xField: 'year',
    yField: 'value',
    seriesField: 'category',
    xAxis: {
      type: 'time',
    yAxis: {
      label: {
        formatter: (v) => `${v}`.replace(/\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, (s) => `${s},`),
  return <Line {...config} />;
export default SampleMultiLine;
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Explaining the code snippet

As in our previous example, the code above imports react, react-dom, and the Ant Design line chart provided by the library.

We will explain the code snippets below separately, as each is a focal point in our project.

Snippet 1:

const SampleMultiLine = () => {
  return (
export default SampleMultiLine;
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Snippet 2:

const config = { data, xField: 'year', yField: 'value', seriesField: 'category', xAxis: { type: 'time', }, yAxis: { label: { formatter: (v) => ${v}.replace(/\d{1,3}(?=(\d{3})+$)/g, (s) => ${s},), }, }, };
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Each one describes the various configurations of our multiline graph. There are two important things to note here:

  • A configuration variable is an object that takes in the dataset in a data property
  • On the other hand, the xField property takes in the key values in our dataset, which we want to display on our x-axis

So for every different/unique value for the property category in our dataset, the chart will create a new line to represent it in the chart.

For the xAxis and yAxis properties of our config variable, we specify a string to identify what type of value is represented.

Once you implement the above, our multiline chart should display as follows:

Our final multiline chart

Data visualization with a stacked bar chart

A stacked bar chart is a segmented graph used to compare parts of a whole. For our stacked bar chart, we’ll create a JavaScript file called stackedbar.js and add the following code:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Bar } from '@ant-design/charts';
const DemoBar = () => {
  const data = [
      instrument: 'drums',
      value: 5,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'bass',
      value: 9,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'ukelele',
      value: 2,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'cymbals',
      value: 3,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'lead',
      value: 7,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'keyboard',
      value: 3,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'violin',
      value: 4,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'cello',
      value: 6,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'accordion',
      value: 4,
      type: 'boys',
      instrument: 'drums',
      value: 9,
      type: 'girls',
      instrument: 'bass',
      value: 3,
      type: 'girls',
      instrument: 'ukelele',
      value: 6,
      type: 'girls',
      instrument: 'cymbals',
      value: 7,
      type: 'girls',
      instrument: 'lead',
      value: 4.9,
      type: 'girls',
      instrument: 'keyboard',
      value: 6,
      type: 'girls',
      instrument: 'violin',
      value: 7,
      type: 'girls',
      instrument: 'cello',
      value: 9,
      type: 'girls',
      instrument: 'accordion',
      value: 13,
      type: 'girls',
  const config = {
    data: data.reverse(),
    isStack: true,
    xField: 'value',
    yField: 'instrument' 
  return <Bar {...config} />;
export default DemoBar;
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The dataset above shows how many students play each of the instruments listed, and our chart will show how many girls and boys play each instrument.

The major code keywords in the stacked bar chart are the same ones we explained in the other charts above. Thus, there’s no need to delve into it.

Our final stacked bar chart


In this tutorial, we have shown you the versatility of Ant Design in data representation. Here is a link to the full code snippet. Happy visualization!

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