Mince - Jan 29 - - Dev Community

So if you're not familiar with me. I am mince and I am a web developer but I recently started game development in roblox. It's fun and so continued. Now, I am working on my first ambitious roblox game called - Ward one. This is the first dev blog in the awesome series of me just making a game


Many of you might already be like why are you making a roblox game. Roblox is a kids platform. Well, if you have nearly 25+ millions of players right now playing that game. You can be sure that at least 1% of that audience can make you thousands of dollar. Moreover it's not about money, roblox makes multiplayer easy as pie. Everything is pre baked. So, I picked roblox for my first full on 3d game.

Idea 💡


So the basic idea of the game is a randomly generated map which you can explore. However it has an horror essence and the game takes place in an old building. I encounter a problem. The problem being how am I gonna make a random building generation. I decided to use dungeon generation system. If you don't what it is, don't worry I am going to explain in a bit.

Dungeon generation system


So, DGS is basically made up of multiple rooms and hallways connecting these rooms. What we do is always pick a random room and hallway to make it seem like a new building every single time. This might seem easy but it involves a lot of math and calculation to find which piece goes where.

Day 1


First thing I did with my baseplate was import some zombies I made for a bigger project that I worked on. Then, I made some lighting and coin system. After that I watched a couple of DGS tutorials and wrapped up day 1

Day 2


Later the other day, I made a sword and then made it so that you can kill those zombies to get loot. I also completed the chest system. That was basically it for the first dev blog. I made this blog as an introduction to the game. It's not gonna have images related to the game because I didn't take any and this was a complete surprise post.

I think this is a bit underwhelming kind of post but I promise things are gonna get crazy as the series goes on as I planned a lot for this game. Tell me if I should continue this or not. Follow me for more dev blogs. Hope you like it.....

Peace ✌

Tags: #lua, #gamedev, #devblog, #python

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