THIS WEB APP IS AWESOME 👏 ( for web devs)

Mince - Nov 11 '24 - - Dev Community

So I recently found this awesome little web app which is just awesome if your especially starting out with web development or have a deadline. Let's say you need a certain UI component to add I your website without getting sued. Here you go!

ui verse

Today I will sharing about three such superb web apps that boost my productivity by 100x starting with of course ui verse


Ui verse is a huge collection of user made ui components that are free to use and you are free to copy as they mit licensed which states that any person is free to copy that asset. Now that's a W. It's an awesome web app and even your free to post elements inside this awesome little web app. It has only 5427 elements at this time. Please support this app because this I think is a great place.

Remove bg

Now let's say you have an awesome logo with a white background prepared and you need it to be transparent. What do you do? Drag it into this website and boom. Your done 👍. You will get an awesome quality background removal for free. But you will need to get a subscription for hd download.


Yeah, I am not kidding. Canva could be really fast if you want to make a quick design. It's templates are super awesome and editable. It's Gradient system isn't good but yeah boi. I use it all the time. But I ain't forcing. Remember use the tool your best with or just make the tool best for you to use. Try canva. Their new updates are pretty good. I especially love making wireframes for my website using canva. What's a wireframe you may ask. I'll upload a detailed design process for websites if this post reaches 1K views. Have a nice day.

This post isnt sponsored


Ui verse
Remove bg

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