Mince - Jan 23 - - Dev Community

So it's been a while I have posted, It's been over 2 months. I can promise that I have some big projects lined up for 2023. Today I am up here with the first post in this series. Of course, this series might stop if this post doesn't do well 😞. So give it a like and save it to read in the future.


So, what's web development at the first place? Web development is making cool websites. Like, Amazon or facebook. Even is a website. You know all this shit already, so long story short - web dev is making websites. Web development has three pillars and two sides. If you want you can skip the three pillars - HTML, CSS AND JS, you can opt for a different language like python. But keep this in mind that you will definitely need to know the basics of HTML even though you picked some other language.


HTML, short for hypertext markup language is like the skeleton of your body. It is the main pillar holding together the other two pillars. If you want to create a button, you need first give life to that button in HTML. It's like you need a finger bone to put the muscle and the skin on. In that case, the finger bone is HTML. It's pretty easy and you can get hold of it in 2-3 months. I learnt in two and a half months. The majority of time, you are just learning new elements or tags. Like you discover different stuff like buttons, headings or titles etc.


Say we completed the HTML. Take the button example. We have a plain button that does nothing. Let's make it look better. That's where css comes in. All the elements or bones need a skin and clothes on top. CSS is the skin and clothes. We can make the button look good with colour. Maybe make it pop when we hover on top of it. So that's CSS. CSS is hard to learn. It's takes another 2 months to figure out CSS.


JavaScript is the most tedious of all. Take that beautiful button we made previously. To make something appear on the screen when the button is clicked we can use JavaScript. They say JavaScript is nuts but it's just shown in that bad way because web developers have to deal with it every single day. You now, it's tough and so it's annoying 😫. You can learn js in about 4-5 months

SIDE 1 - Frontend

See, HTML and CSS are used to show you or present whatever is on the screen. That's what the use sees. So, it's called frontend. Frontend has multiple people pillars like UI, UX, Design, Black tricks etc. Tell me if you want a post completely on frontend development


Backend is all the stuff that happens behind the scenes like networking, messaging, server stuff and all. I am personally really bad in backend. But in that case we have automated simplified backend systems like firebase Or app write. They come with their own pros and cons but I prefer them because I hate learn all the networking. 25 likes and I will make a chat app using socket io. Backend is pretty tough and we use libraries like socket io to get the work done.


This is the outline of what you can expect in web development. I wanna tell you that this is just the tip of the iceberg and there's a lot more than to it. Tell me if I should make a tutorial series

Also follow me on X for more updates. The username is Mince_2328.

We also hit 13.5K followers, so thank you for that

There's part 2 where we talk about php, WordPress and the rest of the iceberg. But only if this gets like a decent response

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