Laravel Run Artisan Command with Ui

saim - Jun 15 '21 - - Dev Community

In section we will see how to run artisan command without terminal using GUI Package .

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Artisan GUI package

Simple but yet powerful library for running some artisan commands.


Laravel 8.*

php ^7.3

Installation the package

composer require infureal/artisan-gui
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After installation we need to publish vendor file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Infureal\Providers\GuiServiceProvider"
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publish Vendor File

After installation you can check url if you in local you can check

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Next, you can see all artisan command available you can simply run or create tables,model,seeder,many thing let

Create Model

in this example we will create Post model with all post model .controller, and factory ,seeder

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Next, you need to give model name and select the value in my case i will give all
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As you can see it successfully create all thing .

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Read also

Laravel each() Collection Method Example
3 way to install bootstrap 5 in laravel 8
Laravel php artisan inspire command
Laravel clear cache without using artisan command

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