What I built
An application that allows user to pay via QRcode.
Category Submission:
- SaaS Superstars
- Integration Innovators
- Wacky Wildcard
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ScanPAY, the solution to Nigeria's cashless policy problem!
We understand that the constant debate between the central bank and payment policies has put Nigerians in a difficult position. That's why we've developed a unique and easy-to-use payment platform that solves Nigeria's payment challenges.
With the recent surge in users due to the near cashless policy, Nigeria's banking structure and network have not been able to keep up. But ScanPAY offers a scalable payment structure that meets the needs of everyone, from artisans and market women to everyday users.
Our easy and reliable payment gateway allows for instant verification for both the sender and receiver, making transactions fast and seamless. Our platform provides an easy verification model that allows for easy tracking of payments and alerts, so you never have to worry about fake alerts or bounced transactions.
At ScanPAY, we believe in the power of technology to make life easier for everyone. Join us and experience a new era of convenient, secure, and hassle-free payments.
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