What Is A Hash?

Scofield Idehen - Nov 12 '23 - - Dev Community

In 1953, an IBM research scientist, Hans Peter Luhn, proposed an associative array data structure based on a hashing technique. The goal was to create a random access lookup table that did not require sorting or ordered arrangement.

Luhn’s method involved splitting keys into digits and summing them to generate array indices. This yielded a rough distribution across available memory.

Before we dive deeper into the complex concept, let’s break down what hash is.

Hash is a data structure that maps keys to values. It allows for efficient lookup, insertion, and deletion of key-value pairs. Hashes are implemented in many programming languages and are a fundamental component of software systems.

Through the late 1950s, much research went into improving hash functions and techniques. Collisions arose as a central challenge, where two keys hashed to the same index.

Ways to handle collisions—like chaining and open addressing—were explored. This allowed hash tables to accommodate some collisions gracefully.

By the early 1960s, hash tables were firmly established as an efficient data retrieval method. They provided average roughly constant time operations, O(1), for lookups and inserts. This speed opened the door to many new algorithms and optimizations.

As programming languages were developed in the 1960s and 70s, built-in hash table types began to be included. Lisp provided one of the first native hash table implementations. Over time, they became a standard part of languages like Python, Java, Go, and more.

The need for fast lookup tables accelerated as computing entered the “Big Data” era in the 2000s. Giant datasets demanded efficient storage and retrieval. Hash tables enabled large-scale data processing inventions like Google’s MapReduce and Apache Hadoop.

Today, hash tables are a foundational data structure used in databases, caches, networks, and search systems. Their versatility and speed on massive data volumes make them integral to modern computing infrastructures. Hash tables helped computing evolve from slow serial operations to the fast, parallel data processing systems today.

What is a Hash Table?

A hash table or map, is a data structure that implements an associative array. It stores elements as key-value pairs, using keys to index values. Some key properties of hashes:

Efficient lookup - On average, locating an element by key in a hash table takes constant O(1) time, compared to O(log n) for binary search trees. This makes hashes excellent for lookups.

Flexible keys - Most data types can be used for keys, including numbers, strings, pointers, etc. Values can also be arbitrary data types.

Unordered storage - Elements are stored in no particular order. A hash of the key determines the location.

Dynamic resizing - The hash table can grow or shrink as needed. Some implementations automatically resize the storage.

Hash tables are used extensively in software for lookup tables, caches, sets, and more. Overall, hashes provide fast key-value access, making them a versatile data structure.

How a Hash Table Works

Hash tables store data in an array format, where keys map to array indices via a hash function. Here is an overview:

An array of buckets is created, each capable of holding key-value pairs.

A hash function computes an integer hashcode for each key. This returns an array index.

The key-value pair is stored in the bucket at that array index. Multiple pairs may map to the same bucket (known as a collision).

The key is hashed again to look up a value, retrieving the index where the value is stored.

The hash function and resulting hashcodes evenly distribute keys across the buckets. Well-designed functions minimize collisions in the buckets. This allows for O(1) lookup time on average.

Hash Functions

The hash function maps keys to integer hashcodes. A good hash function has several properties:

Deterministic - The same input always produces the same hashcode

Uniform distribution - Outputs are evenly distributed across the output range

Non-reversible - The original key cannot be determined from the hashcode

Some common hash functions:

Modulo division - Take the key modulo a fixed prime number

Folding - Divide the key into parts and combine the parts

Mid-square - Square the key and extract the middle bits

SHA-1/SHA-2 - Cryptographic hash functions

Well-known hash functions like SHA-1 are very robust. But simple functions like modulo division work well for basic hash tables.

Hash Collisions

A collision occurs when two different keys hash to the same bucket index. Collisions are inevitable in hashing due to the pigeonhole principle. Ways to handle collisions:

Separate chaining - The bucket stores a linked list of values. Colliding keys are appended to the list.

Open addressing - Find the next open bucket location using some probe sequence. Collisions cause increased lookup time.

Perfect hashing - Specialized hash functions with no collisions in a static set of keys.

Collisions degrade hash table performance. A low load factor (ratio of occupied buckets to total buckets) minimizes collisions. Hash tables usually keep load factors under 50% for good performance.

Hash Table Operations

The main operations supported by hash tables are:

Insert - Compute hashcode of the key, map to index, insert key-value in bucket. Handles collisions.

Lookup - Compute hashcode, map to index, return value in bucket. Returns null if not found.

Delete - Compute hashcode, map to index, remove key-value from bucket if found.

A well-implemented hash table will have O(1) performance for these operations on average. Hash tables often outperform search trees and other data structures for lookup and insertion.

Applications of Hash Tables

Here are some common uses of hash tables:

Associative arrays - Store and lookup elements by key

Database indexing - Quickly find records by a key

Caches - High-speed in-memory key-value stores

Sets - Store unique elements efficiently

Object representation - Tables of object properties and values

Hashes are ubiquitous in software. Most programming languages have some hash table implementation, often as a primitive data type. Hash tables provide fast O(1) operations crucial for many systems and optimizations.

Hash Table Variants

There are many variants of hash tables optimized for different scenarios:

Concurrent hash tables - Allow concurrent inserts and lookups from multiple threads. Useful for parallel computing.

Ordered hash tables - Maintain items in insertion order. Provide ordered traversal of elements.

Open addressing vs. chaining - Open addressing resolves collisions by finding new bucket locations. Chaining keeps a list of colliding elements.

Perfect hash functions - Guarantee no collisions for a static set of keys. Require no collision handling.

Cryptographic hash functions - Extremely robust functions like SHA-1 are designed to minimize collisions. Used in blockchains and cryptography.

These variants optimize hashes for specific use cases. The extensive research on hash tables has made them a versatile programming tool.

Hash Table Design

Designing an efficient hash table requires some key considerations:

Hash function - A good hash minimizes collisions. It should be fast, uniformly distribute outputs, and deterministically map keys to hashcodes.

Collision resolution - Separate chaining or open addressing can resolve collisions. The load factor should be kept low enough to minimize collisions.

Dynamic resizing - As the table size grows, resize into a larger array. Keeping the load factor low avoids frequent resizing.

Hash seed - Picking different starting seeds for the hash function minimizes collisions for a fixed set of keys.

Key design - Hash table performance depends on key selection. Keys should uniquely identify values. Avoid keys with high collision rates.

Careful design is needed to leverage hash tables’ power speedfully. Hash tables are a fundamental data structure used pervasively in systems and application development.

Hash Performance Factors

There are several factors impacting the performance of a hash table:

Load factor - Ratio of occupied buckets to total buckets. Collision chance grows as the load factor increases. Keep load under 50% for good performance.

Hash function quality - Good functions have few collisions and uniform distribution. High collision rates degrade performance.

Collision resolution method - Separate chaining has predictable O(1) lookup but extra memory overhead. Open addressing is memory-efficient but has probe sequences.

Resizing frequency - When to grow the table to the next size. Growing too often hits performance, while growing too little increases collisions.

Key distribution - Certain keys may cluster together, creating hot spots even with good hash functions.

Balancing these factors leads to optimal throughput and memory utilization. Performance tuning hash tables involves experimenting with these interrelated factors.

Hash Security

Hash tables have some security vulnerabilities to be aware of:

Collision attacks - Maliciously crafted keys to force collisions, causing denial of service or data corruption.

Hash flooding - Overwhelming a hash with many keys, going beyond the designed capacity.

Weak hash functions - Exploiting mathematical or statistical weaknesses in a hash to create collisions.

Rainbow table attacks - Reverse lookup of hashes using a precomputed table to crack passwords.

Strong cryptographic hash functions like SHA-256 avert many attacks. Limiting hash table capacity and monitoring load helps prevent flooding issues. Overall, care should be taken to seed and design hash functions properly.

Hash Security Vulnerabilities

Hash tables are an integral part of many secure systems, but they also come with some vulnerabilities that attackers can potentially exploit:

Collision attacks - Specially crafted keys can force hash collisions, leading to denial of service or corrupted data.

Hash flooding - Overwhelming a hash with entries causes worst-case O(n) performance as it expands.

Rainbow table attacks - Use precomputed reverse hash lookups to crack password hashes. Salting passwords before hashing mitigates this.

Weak hash functions - Math or statistical flaws in a hash can lead to excessive collisions.

Hash injection - Inserting data by directly supplying indices rather than keys.

Bucket overflow - Targeting a specific bucket with duplicate keys causes overflow.

However, modern cryptographic hashes like SHA-256 and KECCAK-256 are extremely resilient against brute force and mathematical collision attacks. Their collision resistance stems from large internal states and complex mixing functions.

Security practices like salting, monitoring load, and limiting input size help harden hash table implementations. While offering great speed, hash tables need properly seeded hash functions and checked boundaries to prevent exploits.


Hash tables are an essential data structure that power efficient lookup and retrieval operations.

Algorithms like SHA-256 and KECCAK-256 were designed to minimize collisions for security purposes like digital signatures and blockchains. KECCAK-256 became the basis for Ethereum’s hash after being selected through a public competition.

The Bitcoin blockchain also relies heavily on SHA-256 for mining and transaction hashing. These ultra-secure hashes enabled new decentralized models like cryptocurrencies and catalyzed a surge of innovation in fintech.

Their collision resistance allows blockchains to preserve integrity and transparency without a central authority. Cryptographic hashes were a breakthrough that allowed hash tables to scale globally across high-value networks like global payment rails.

Their versatility and performance make hash tables a foundational component of modern computing.

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