Best Practices for Building a Comprehensive Enterprise Data Security Strategy

Scofield Idehen - Mar 31 '23 - - Dev Community

Data security is among the most searched topics on many search engines today. The rise of data theft has caused significant concern globally. 

According to TechJury and Statista, cyber-attacks cost $6 trillion in 2022 and are expected to be an estimated $10.5 trillion in 2025. 

Every day 30,000 websites are hacked and 64% of enterprise companies have experienced cyber-attacks. It is estimated that 2021 has 22 billion data breaches alone. 

Every 39 seconds, there is a new attack somewhere on the web, and data breach is set to increase with new techniques and more advanced cyber tools. 

The need for data security has created a panic button for organizations as data has become so valuable that insecure data can cause significant losses, bringing organizations to their knees or propelling them to bankruptcy. 

What is Enterprise Data Security?

Enterprise data security refers to the measures and policies put in place by an organization to protect its sensitive and confidential information from unauthorized access, modification, or theft. 

It involves using various technologies, processes, and procedures to protect an organization's data from cyber threats, breaches, and other attacks. 

Enterprise data security aims to maintain an organization's critical data's confidentiality, integrity, and availability while ensuring compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Enterprise Data Security: Addressing Common Issues

The frequency of data leaks in recent times can largely be attributed to several factors such as the lack of stringent regulatory measures implemented by organizations, the inevitable human error that accounts for 95% of all data breaches, and the use of outdated software systems that are vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Some common data security loops: 

  • Wrong Network segmentation - If misconfigured, it could create gaps and lead to unauthorized access. 
  • Lack of Encryption - Malicious actors can access unencrypted files in transit using MITM (Man In The Middle) attack. If files are unencrypted, the files can be stolen or infected with malware when there is a data leak. 
  • Unenforced Access control- Data leaks can occur when there are no proper authorization enforcement and authentication policies. 
  • Lack of Training- 95% of data breaches result from human error and lack of proper industry training.
  • Infrastructure Testing- Organizations that do not regularly undergo infrastructure testing may risk falling behind. It can lead to their systems being vulnerable to security breaches and attacks.

Key Factors to Consider When Developing Data Security Plan

External Threats: Factors outside an organization's control, phishing, malware distribution, and attack on software infrastructure such as SQL injection or distributed denial of services.

Attackers use all these factors to gain unauthorized access to a user's sensitive data and infiltrate sensitive information.

Internal Threats: Threats may occur due to weak infrastructure passwords or staff passwords, poor authentication, and lack of access control to storage devices. Wrong IT configuration or security policies are also internal factors. 

Access Control: Who has access, to what extent, 2FA(Two-factor Authentication) implementation, and where is data stored? On-premises or cloud? 

These questions and factors are critical when planning or structuring a data security policy.  

Appwrite, a leading backend as a service provider, has created a blueprint any organization serious about its data security should emulate. 

How Appwrite Implements Enterprise Data Security

Establish Data Ownership

Appwrite implements data ownership. It allows for the responsibility of the data set to be in the hands of the user, including security, accuracy, and access control. It is vital to track data breaches efficiently. 

Once breached, it does not spread as each user is distinctive and controls their data and how they use it. 

Data Encryption 

Appwrite makes its data encrypted using 256-bit encryption and would only allow authorized users to gain access.

Appwrite uses different encryption methods. Credit card information with PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry (PCI) - Data Security Standard (DSS) ) and transit data are encrypted using TLS (Transport Layer Security). Appwrite establishes data encryption standards for data in transit, data at rest, and sensitive customer data.

Leverage Cloud Capabilities

Appwrite offers secure cloud-based automated backup storage, real-time analytics, and a high data security mechanism. Users can access their cloud dashboard in real time due to scalability and reliability. 

Disaster Recovery Plan

Backups are critical best practices for any organization. Appwrite has developed a recovery strategy in case of data loss or security breaches by identifying all essential points in its system, creating a backup plan for every piece of data, and storing them in different locations or with various providers. 

It also automates backups so frequently that in case of any disaster, it can upgrade its security measures and recover all its data. 

Scrutinize User Access

Appwrite uses diverse security techniques. Appwrite can provide solutions that protect company data by regularly scanning its infrastructure for viruses and vulnerabilities that aim to steal data information. 

It ensures that any suspicious activity affecting the system's integrity is identified and removed. Appwrite then improves on ways to block such activities from reoccurring. 

Establish and Enforce Access Control Policies

Authentication of user data and tight security against external factors ensures only the appropriate user can access confidential data. 


Any organization that hopes to thrive must emphasize the importance of robust security policies in today's digital landscape. As demonstrated by Appwrite, having a solid security framework in place is crucial in protecting organizations from potential threats and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their critical data.


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