The Toll of Long Hours on Developers’ Health

Scofield Idehen - Oct 31 '23 - - Dev Community

In the technology industry, long work hours and "grind culture" have become the norm. But the reality is that this constant overwork is taking a major toll on developers' physical and mental health.

Recent studies shine a concerning light on how harmful these excessive hours can be.

According to a survey by Stack Overflow, over 50% of developers work more than 40 hours a week, with 21% working over 50 hours. While occasional overtime may be unavoidable, consistently working longer than a standard 40-hour work week can severely impact health and well-being.

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The Hidden Cost to Physical Health

Long working hours and a sedentary lifestyle are causing serious issues like weight gain, back and neck pain, eye strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and insomnia among tech professionals.

A shocking 70% of developers reported not getting enough exercise, while 50% reported gaining a significant amount of weight while working at their current job. This weight gain can lead to further health issues like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke down the line.

In addition, long hours hunched over screens leads to neck, shoulder, and back issues. One study found that developers who worked over 10 hours per day were 2x more likely to suffer from these types of chronic pain than those working normal hours. These kinds of physical effects can last for years after leaving the profession.

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The Toll on Mental Health

Even more concerning is the cost to mental health. A massive 84% of developers have reported experiencing job burnout, which is characterized by emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced productivity. This burnout is driven largely by unreasonable workloads and unrealistic expectations.

Unfortunately, many developers feel pressure to downplay their stress. In the Stack Overflow survey, nearly 70% reported feeling undervalued by their employer. These sentiments force many to keep quiet about their struggles. This can lead to further isolation and anxiety.

Perhaps worse, this burnout correlates directly with depressive symptoms. In the developer community, depression and anxiety are significantly higher than in the general population. Some studies have shown rates as high as 27% for depression among developers.

This mental health crisis even translates to higher rates of substance abuse. Nearly 16% reported drinking alcohol to cope with the stress. Some turn to stimulants like caffeine pills to keep up with crushing workloads.

These kinds of unhealthy coping mechanisms only serve to further the feelings of burnout and isolation. Without support, they can have tragic consequences. Victoria Milanov was a 19-year-old developer who took her own life in 2018, with many pointing to the grueling Silicon Valley work culture as a factor in her struggle with depression.

Her tragic story has helped start conversations about the mental health crisis among developers and tech professionals.

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So Why Does This Happen?

There are a few key reasons why developers continue to endure these punishing work schedules:

  • Normalization of grind culture - There's a pervasive belief that putting in long hours equals success and dedication to your craft. 60+ hour work weeks are romanticized and encouraged.
  • Internal and external pressure - Developers often put pressure on themselves out of passion or the fear of being labeled lazy. Startup culture encourages or even requires long hours out of employees.
  • Poor boundaries - Remote work and bring-your-own-device policies mean developers stay "on the clock" 24/7. Dedicated office hours are not respected.
  • Passionate but inadequate staffing - Startups want lean teams, so established developers end up shouldering immense workloads. There's no backup or support system.
  • Cheap Labour - using cheap labor to subsidize and forcing long hours to make up project deficiency, African and black workers are some of the highest use cases.

How Can We Improve Well-Being?

If this crisis continues, the tech industry will face massive burnout and talent drain. But there are things companies and leaders can do to promote healthier working conditions:

  • Set reasonable deadlines and staff appropriately. Unrealistic expectations only harm your team.
  • Encourage taking time off and respecting office hours. Give developers space to recharge.
  • Discourage any badge of honor around overwork. Reinforce the value of work-life balance.
  • Promote physical and mental health benefits. Provide access to resources.
  • Frequently check in on workload and stress levels. Prevent burnout before it escalates.

Promoting well-being should be a top priority for the tech industry. With some shifts in culture and adequate support, developers can bring their best selves to work every day, even if that means working just 40 hours a week. The health and safety of these passionate developers depend on it.

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