Hello Guys today i will show you some awesome packages to use in React Js.I will only briefly explain them and provide the documentation link so that , you can check it yourself.
Let's get started...
1. React-router-dom -
This package helps in providing easy and flexible routings in React.
Installation -
npm i react-router-dom
Documentation -
2. React-reveal -
It is used for animation and is easy to use and the animations are also good and awesome.
Installation -
npm i react-reveal
Documentation -
3. React-icons -
It provides nearly all the icons you need to create your website and the icons are awesome and comes in different shades and types.
Installation -
npm i react-icons
Documentation -
4. React-redux -
It is used with redux and lets your React component read data from the redux store and dispatch action to the store to update states.
Installation -
npm install react-redux
Documentation -
5. Formik with Yup -
It is used to provide validation and Error Handling while dealing with forms in React Js. It is quite easy to use and also allow us to create validation schema for our forms with "yup".
Installation -
npm install formik yup
Documentation -
Formik - https://formik.org/docs/overview
Yup - https://github.com/jquense/yup
Formik with yup combined - https://blog.shahednasser.com/how-to-create-and-validate-forms-in-react-using-formik-and-yup/
6. axios
It is HTTP client which works with promises.It can be used in place of fetch method where we need to manually do everything.
In axios , all we have to do is provide the API url , a then() method to handle the response coming back from the API and a catch() method to handle errors.
Installation -
npm install axios
Documentation -
7. React-toastify -
It is used to create toast notification which closed automatically when the timer goes down and it has many colors and designs available and also can be easily integrate with other React Components.
Installation -
npm i react-toastify
Documentation -
You can contact me on -
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/supremacism__shubh/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/shubham-tiwari-b7544b193/
Email - shubhmtiwri00@gmail.com
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