Hello guys today i am going to show you my own mini css framework (still in the development phase)
After using Bootstrap and TailwindCSS , i thought of creating my own mini framework with some different values of my own which i use frequently and also with some extra colors and backgrounds with it.
Lets get started...
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/ShubhamTiwari909/WaaduCSS@master/Waaducss.css" />
I have added some properties and components and it can be accessed just like we use in bootstrap or tailwind using the class name in the html tag.
I am going to show some feature of this mini framework.
1. Cards -
Code -
<!-- A horizontal card stack -->
<div class="w-card-group-horizontal">
<div class="w-card w-card-dark w-card-shadow-large w-bg-ink w-text-walnut">
<div class="w-card-heading">This is a dark card</div>
<div class="w-card-body">
This is a body This is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a
bodyThis is a bodyThis is a body
<div class="w-card-footer">This is a footer</div>
<div class="w-card w-card-blue-bordered w-card-shadow-small w-card-hover">
<div class="w-card-heading">This is a bordered only card</div>
<div class="w-card-body">
This is a body This is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a
bodyThis is a bodyThis is a body
<div class="w-card-footer">This is a footer</div>
<div class="w-card w-card-red">
<div class="w-card-heading">This is a card with red background</div>
<div class="w-card-body">
This is a body This is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a
bodyThis is a bodyThis is a body
<div class="w-card-footer">This is a footer</div>
<div class="w-card w-white-gradient">
<div class="w-card-heading w-text-ink">This is a card with gradient background</div>
<div class="w-card-body">
This is a body This is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a
bodyThis is a bodyThis is a body
<div class="w-card-footer">This is a footer</div>
<!-- A full width responsive card -->
<div class="w-card-purple-bordered">
<div class="w-card-heading w-text-ink">This is a card with gradient background</div>
<div class="w-card-body">
This is a body This is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a bodyThis is a
bodyThis is a bodyThis is a body
<div class="w-card-footer">This is a footer</div>
Result -
As you can see we have different varieties of card and also in the second image you can see we have a hover effect when the mouse is hover the card gets a full width.
2. Grid -
It has grid system startin from 1-10 , and it is applied like
lg-w-grid-1 for for pc view , md-w-grid-1 for tablet or medium devices and sm-w-grid-1 for mobile devices.
Code -
<!-- Grid system -->
<div style="height:400px" class="w-grid md-w-grid-cols-10 lg-w-grid-cols-8 w-place-items-center w-bluepurple-gradient">
<h1 class="w-place-self-start">one</h1>
Result -
PC view-
Tablet View -
Mobile View-
Also it has properties like justify-content , justify-items, justify-self, place-content,place-self and place-items.We have used the place-self property to the first element in the grid and it is responsive by using the classname with lg- and md- , it will make the grid according to the screensize.
3. Forms -
It has styling for forms and it's elements like input,label, select etc (except radio and checkbox button).
<div class="w-flex w-justify-content-center">
<form class="w-card-blue-bordered w-shadow-medium">
<div class="w-grid md-w-grid-cols-2 w-m-5 lg-w-grid-cols-2 w-justify-content-baseline">
<label class="w-form-label w-text-ink">Name</label>
<input type="text" class="w-form-input w-border-orchid">
<div class="w-grid md-w-grid-cols-2 w-m-5 lg-w-grid-cols-2 w-justify-content-baseline">
<label class="w-form-label w-text-ink">Email</label>
<input type="text" class="w-form-input w-border-orchid">
<div class="w-grid md-w-grid-cols-2 w-m-5 lg-w-grid-cols-2 w-justify-content-baseline">
<label class="w-form-label w-text-ink">Password</label>
<input type="text" class="w-form-input w-border-orchid">
<div class="w-grid md-w-grid-cols-2 w-m-5 lg-w-grid-cols-2 w-justify-content-baseline">
<label class="w-form-label w-text-ink">Phone</label>
<input type="text" class="w-form-input w-border-orchid">
<div class="w-grid md-w-grid-cols-2 w-m-5 lg-w-grid-cols-2 w-justify-content-baseline">
<label class="w-form-label w-text-ink">City</label>
<Select type="text" class="w-form-input w-border-orchid w-bluepurple-gradient w-text-ice">
<option value="A" class="w-text-ink">A</option>
<option value="B" class="w-text-ink">B</option>
<option value="C" class="w-text-ink">C</option>
<div class="w-grid lg-w-grid-cols-2">
<button class="w-button w-border-radius-2 w-border-solid w-border-bluetack w-border-width-2 w-bluepurple-gradient w-text-ice w-justify-self-center">Submit</button>
Result -
Gradient white form -
Dark form -
4. Colors and Backgrounds -
We have many colours with awesome names like mint, mushroom , champagne, ice , ink , apricot , banana , etc which we can use like w-bg-apricot and for text w-text-apricot and also gradients like w-red-gradient, w-bluepurple-gradient, w-white-gradient,w-black-gradient, etc.
5. Squares and Circles -
Code -
<!-- squares -->
<div class="w-grid lg-w-grid-cols-4 w-m-bottom-5">
class="w-grid w-square w-red-gradient w-border-solid w-border-width-2 w-border-ambrosia w-square-hover"
<h1 class="w-place-self-center">Square</h1>
class="w-grid w-square w-bluepurple-gradient w-border-solid w-border-width-2 w-border-ambrosia w-square-hover"
<h1 class="w-place-self-center">Square</h1>
class="w-grid w-square w-border-solid w-border-width-2 w-border-ambrosia w-square-hover"
<h1 class="w-place-self-center">Square</h1>
<!-- circles -->
<div class="w-grid lg-w-grid-cols-3 md-w-grid-cols-2">
class="w-circle-1 w-border-apricot w-grid w-place-content-center w-darkmode-hover"
<h1>Hello circles</h1>
class="w-circle-1 w-border-apricot w-grid w-place-content-center w-darkmode-hover"
<h1>Hello circles</h1>
class="w-circle-1 w-border-apricot w-grid w-place-content-center w-darkmode-hover"
<h1>Hello circles</h1>
class="w-circle-1 w-border-apricot w-grid w-place-content-center w-darkmode-hover"
<h1>Hello circles</h1>
class="w-circle-1 w-border-apricot w-grid w-place-content-center w-darkmode-hover"
<h1>Hello circles</h1>
class="w-circle-1 w-border-apricot w-grid w-place-content-center w-darkmode-hover"
<h1>Hello circles</h1>
class="w-circle-1 w-border-apricot w-grid w-place-content-center w-darkmode-hover"
<h1>Hello circles</h1>
class="w-circle-1 w-border-apricot w-grid w-place-content-center w-darkmode-hover"
<h1>Hello circles</h1>
Result -
As you can see we have circles and squares and these can be used with other properties like background , border , grid etc and they also support hover and animation effect.
6. Responsive Navbar -
Code -
<nav class="w-darkblue-gradient w-p-3 w-text-champagne w-flex w-justify-content-spacebetween sm-block sm-text-center">
<div class="w-m-2">
<div class="w-grid lg-w-grid-cols-5 md-w-grid-cols-5 w-grid-cols-1">
<div class="w-m-left-2 w-m-right-2">
<div class="w-m-left-2 w-m-right-2">
<div class="w-m-left-2 w-m-right-2">
<div class="w-m-left-2 w-m-right-2">
<div class="w-m-left-2 w-m-right-2 w-m-top-1">
<button class="w-bluepurple-gradient w-text-champagne w-p-left-3 w-p-right-3 w-p-top-1 w-p-bottom-1 w-border-radius-1 w-darkmode-hover">Sign in</button>
Result -
Pc View -
Tablet or medium view -
Mobile View -
7. Hover and Animation -
We have some hover effects like full width for cards, w-round-hover, w-darkmode-hover and animation like w-bounce, w-blink, w-flip-x and w-flip-y, w-round-and-square, w-background-change-animation and w-text-animated classes to use.
8. Other stylings -
It includes padding, margin, fonts, flexbox, border, border-radius, buttons, lists etc to use. We have a different set of buttons and we can also create buttons by combining different properties of this mini framework.
Thats it for this post.
^^You can help me by some donation at the link below Thank you๐๐ ^^
โ --> https://www.buymeacoffee.com/waaduheck <--
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