GraphQL - Resolvers

Shubham Tiwari - Jun 27 '23 - - Dev Community

Hello Everyone, in this part of the GraphQL series, I will discuss resolvers.


  • They are functions that define how to retrieve or manipulate data for each field in a GraphQL schema. Resolvers are a crucial part of GraphQL server implementations and are responsible for fetching data from various sources, such as databases, APIs, or other services, and returning the requested data.

  • When a client sends a GraphQL query, the server matches the fields in the query to the corresponding resolvers. Each field in the schema has an associated resolver function that determines how to resolve the data for that field.

Creating a resolver-

  • In the previous part of this series, you have created a folder called "schema", inside that folder, create another file named "resolvers,js" and paste this code there.
const { fakeData } = require("../FakeData")
const lodesh = require("lodash")
const resolvers = {
    Query: {
        // Get All users
        users() {
            return fakeData
        // Get user by ID
        user(parent, args) {
            const id =
            const user = lodesh.find(fakeData, { id: Number(id) })
            return user
        // Get user by Name
        userByName(parent, args) {
            const name =
            const user = lodesh.find(fakeData, { name  })
            return user

    Mutation: {
            const user = args.newUser
   = Math.floor(Math.random() * 999999)
            return user
            const {id,name,role,age,isEmployee} = args.updatedUser
            let updateUserName;

            fakeData.forEach(item => {
                if( == id){
           = name
                    item.age = age
                    item.role = role
                    item.isEmployee = isEmployee
                    updateUserName = item

            return updateUserName
            const {id} = args.delUser
            lodesh.remove(fakeData,(user) => === Number(id))
            return null


module.exports = { resolvers }
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  • Here we have 2 Properties Query, which is used for data fetching, and Mutation which is used for manipulating data like adding, updating, or deleting, there properties have handler functions for our handlers created in typeDefs.
  • args will have all the properties which are defined in the typeDefs schema file.

  • Also Create a file named fakeData.js and add this data to it.

const fakeData = [
        id: 101,
        name: "User 1",
        age: 24,
        isEmployee: true,
        role: "WebDeveloper",
        friends: [
                id: 102,
                name: "User 2",
                age: 21,
                isEmployee: true,
                role: "Tester"
                id: 103,
                name: "User 3",
                age: 20,
                isEmployee: false,
                role: "SoftwareEngineer"
                id: 104,
                name: "User 4",
                age: 27,
                isEmployee: true,
                role: "WebDeveloper"
        id: 102,
        name: "User 2",
        age: 21,
        isEmployee: true,
        role: "Tester",
        friends: [
                id: 103,
                name: "User 3",
                age: 20,
                isEmployee: false,
                role: "SoftwareEngineer"
                id: 104,
                name: "User 4",
                age: 27,
                isEmployee: true,
                role: "WebDeveloper"
        id: 103,
        name: "User 3",
        age: 20,
        isEmployee: false,
        role: "SoftwareEngineer",
        friends: [
                id: 104,
                name: "User 4",
                age: 27,
                isEmployee: true,
                role: "WebDeveloper"
        id: 104,
        name: "User 4",
        age: 27,
        isEmployee: true,
        role: "WebDeveloper",
        friends: [
                id: 103,
                name: "User 3",
                age: 20,
                isEmployee: false,
                role: "SoftwareEngineer"

module.exports = { fakeData }
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • Fake Dataset to manipulate GraphQL handler functions.

Now run this command -

npm run start
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  • It will start the server at localhost:4000 with GraphQL UI, where you can check your API responses

This is how you can create a Resolver for your GraphQL API. In the Next Part of this Series, I will be discussing Mutation, which will help in creating, updating, or deleting data from the dataset.


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