Hello guys today i will be discussing slicing using slice() method of array in javascript.
Let's get started...
What is slicing?
slicing is used to slice and returns a particular part of the array using index number for start and end position of slicing.
Syntax -
- Start is the index number from where the slicing will start.
- End is the index number at which the slicing will end but this end index won't be included in that sliced array
- Slice method returns a shallow copy of the array and won't change or modify the original array
- Let's understand this with examples.
Slicing Code Example-
const array = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
const objectArray = [
// only start index and it will slice the array from index 2
// upto last element of the array
const sliceStart = array.slice(2)
// start and end index
const sliceStartEnd = array.slice(2,4)
// negative index
const negativeSlice = array.slice(-2)
// negtive end index with positive start index
const negativeSliceStartEnd = array.slice(1,-2)
//slice chaining
const sliceChaining = array.slice(2,4).slice(0,4)
// slicing object array
const objectArraySlicing = objectArray.slice(1,3)
// slicing the first half of the array excluding the middle element
const lengthSlicing = array.slice(Math.floor(array.length/2),array.length)
// slice then sort in descending order
const sliceSort = array.slice(2,5).sort((a,b) => b-a)
// slice then filter
const sliceFilter = array.slice(2,6).filter(i => i > 4)
// slice then map
const sliceMap = array.slice(2,5).map(i => i*4)
// returning an array after slicing
const restParameters = (args) => {
return args.slice(2,6)
console.log("Slicing with only start index - ",sliceStart)
console.log("Slicing with start and end index - ",sliceStartEnd)
console.log("Slicing with negative index - ",negativeSlice)
console.log("Slicing with negative end index -
console.log("Slicing with chaining - ",sliceChaining)
console.log("Slicing with array of objects - ",objectArraySlicing)
console.log("Slicing the second half of the array - ",lengthSlicing)
console.log("Slicing with sort - ",sliceSort)
console.log("Slicing with filter - ",sliceFilter)
console.log("Slicing with map - ",sliceMap)
console.log("Slicing array inside function - ",restParameters(array))
Slicing with only start index [
3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9
Slicing with start and end index - [ 3, 4 ]
Slicing with negative index - [ 8, 9 ]
Slicing with negative end index - [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ]
Slicing with chaining - [ 3, 4 ]
Slicing with array of objects -
[ { name: 'shivam', age: 25 }, { name: 'abhishek', age: 22 } ]
Slicing the second half of the array - [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ]
Slicing with sort - [ 5, 4, 3 ]
Slicing with filter - [ 5, 6 ]
Slicing with map - [ 12, 16, 20 ]
Slicing array inside function - [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
- As you can we can slice array within a range , from the last using negative indexing, from inside functions, also can slice array of objects and can use slice() method with other array methods.
- Try some more exmaple by yourself with slice() method and tell the output in the comment section 😜.
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