Step-by-step guide on how to use the .Net Aspire Kafka component in Visual Studio.
.Net Aspire framework is used to develop cloud and production-ready distributed applications. It consists of components to handle cloud-native concerns such as Redis, Postgres etc.
Install .Net 8
Install Visual Studio 2022 version 17 or higher
.Net Aspire Workload
Container runtime such as Docker Desktop
10 Day .Net Aspire Challenge
Learn how to create a starter project using .Net Aspire with the Apache Kafka component.
Github Sample: The solution structure is divided into the following projects
Getting Started
Step 1: Install the following NuGet package
Install the following Nuget package into the subsequent project “DotnetAspireChallenge.AppHost”
dotnet add package Aspire.Hosting.Kafka
In the above project, register Kafka UI as shown below
var messaging = builder.AddKafka("messaging")
Then finally add a reference to both the Producer and Consumer where the producer is “DotnetAspireChallenge.ApiService” and the consumer is “DotnetAspireChallenge.Web” project respectively.
var apiService = builder.AddProject<Projects.DotnetAspireChallenge_ApiService>("apiservice")
Step 2: Add dependency of Kafka Producer
Add the dependency in the Program.cs file of the project “DotnetAspireChallenge.ApiService”
builder.AddKafkaProducer<string, string>("messaging");
and add a relevant minimal API endpoint using the following code.
public static class AspireKafkaExtension
public static void MapAspireKafkaEndpoint(this WebApplication app)
app.MapGet("/send", async (IProducer<string, string> services, string key, string value) =>
var message = new Message<string, string> { Key = key, Value = value };
DeliveryResult<string, string>? result = await services.ProduceAsync("messaging", message);
return result;
catch (Exception ex)
The endpoint takes two parameters namely key and value as route values, and produces the message on the docker-hosted Kafka server.
Step 3: Add dependency of Kafka Consumer
Now move “DotnetAspireChallenge.Web” project wherein register as a Kafka producer
builder.AddKafkaConsumer<string, string>("messaging", options =>
options.Config.GroupId = "my-consumer-group";
options.Config.AutoOffsetReset = AutoOffsetReset.Earliest;
options.Config.EnableAutoCommit = false;
*Note: * It's mandatory to provide a default group ID.
Step 4: Create a Razor Page
Create a basic razor page named “KafkaConsumer.razor” to show the consumed message from the Kafka server.
@page "/kafka"
@attribute [StreamRendering(true)]
@attribute [OutputCache(Duration = 5)]
@using Confluent.Kafka
@inject KafkaConsumeMessageClient kafaConsumeMessageClient
<PageTitle>Kafka Consumed Message</PageTitle>
<p>This component demonstrates showing data loaded from a backend API service.</p>
@if (consumedMessage == null)
<table class="table">
@code {
private ConsumeResult<string, string>? consumedMessage;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() => consumedMessage = kafaConsumeMessageClient.GetKafkaMessage();
Step 5: Configure HttpCall to the ApiService
public class KafkaConsumeMessageClient(HttpClient httpClient, IConsumer<string, string> _consumer)
public ConsumeResult<string, string>? GetKafkaMessage(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
ConsumeResult<string, string>? deliveryResult = null;
deliveryResult = _consumer.Consume(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
return deliveryResult;
Kafka Produce Demo
Kafka UI Demo
Kafka Consume Demo
Github Project
GitHub - ssukhpinder/DotnetAspireChallenge: 10 Day .Net Aspire Challenge
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