There are numerous occasions where JavaScript behaves strangely.
I love the frameworks written on top of javascript but do not prefer to write code in javascript.
Please find below cases where javascript behave differently:
Scenario 1
As shown below, see addition and subtraction.
11+1 //12
'11'+1 //111
11-1 //10
'11'-1 //10 //What is hell? right?
Scenario 2
JavaScript is very loosely concerning data types.
let name="Sukhpinder";setTimeout(function(){ name="Singh"});
console.log(name); //Sukhpinder
Scenario 3
I was overwhelmed with the event loop because JS does not merely execute code from top to bottom, waiting when interrupted.
function add(a,b){ return a+b;}
//One parameter missing it wont work add(3); //Nan
//One parameter extra don't care add(1,2,3); //3
Scenario 4
Not only data types, everything is designed very loosely coupled in JavaScript.
0.1+0.2 //0.30000000000000004
2.3*100 //229.99999999999997
Scenario 5
Imprecise operations in Javascript, the same problem can be seen in other programming languages like Python.
console.log(!![]) //true
console.log([]==true) //false
Scenario 6
It does not know what to say about below, which is entirely illogical.
let empty=[];
console.log(empty[0]); //Hello
console.log(empty.length); //0
Overall, JavaScript is more accessible to write because for several reasons. On the other hand, JavaScript makes you feel insecure, as described in different scenarios above.
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