This was the 6th session of the the Open Source Developer Course (OSDC) that I started to teach at the end of January. (We have a weekly session, but we had to skip several weeks in the middle).
This time instead of having a grand presentation we worked on a Perl library (module) that was failing its tests. Here are my notes about what we have accomplished during the session.
The changes we made were not huge, but I believe a little improvement every day by many people can lead to a lot of value to the whole open source ecosystem and through that to the world.
- We sent several pull-requests to Types-RENEEB
- updated files generated by
dist zilla
- fixing a test failure
- Adding GitHub Actions. We started with the GitHub Action skeleton for Dist::Zilla.
- Renee, the author of this project accepted our Pull-Requests within a few minutes. Then we sent another PR
- enabling more OSes and versions of Perl in GitHub Actions
- updated files generated by
The workflow
During the session we first cloned the already forked repository, but I think it is better to clone the original repository and add the forked repository using git remote add fork URL
so this is what I described here.
- Clone the original repository
git clone
Create a fork of the repository via GitHub UI.
Setup a new git remote to point to the forked repository:
git remote add fork
- Create a branch to prepare a pull-request
git checkout -b BRANCH
make changes
git add .
git commit -m "..."
git push --set-upstream fork BRANCH
Send the pull-request from the GitHub UI
Integrate the progress of original repository to our local clone
git checkout master
git pull origin master
- Once the Pull-request was accepted we could delete the branch locally and remotely
git branch -d BRANCH
git push -d origin BRANCH
- We created Test coverage report of the Types-RENEEB pacakge. It was not too interesting as everything was 100%.
cpanm Dist::Zilla::App::Command::cover
dzil cover
Another Pull-Request
- We also sent a pull-request to Devel::Cover with this information.
In the upcoming sessions we plan to work on more projects. Set up local development environments and configure GitHub Action workflows for projects require a database or access to some external system.
We will also find packages where the test coverage report is not 100% to understand that better.