Perl Weekly #654 - Perl and FOSDEM

Gabor Szabo - Feb 5 - - Dev Community

Originally published at Perl Weekly 654

Hi there,

Did you know FOSDEM happened last week?

FOSDEM, Free and Open source Software Developers' European Meeting, is still a mystery for me. Few years ago a fellow member of TPW organising team introduced me to FOSDEM for the first time. Ever since, I always wanted to attend at least once just to experience the gatherings. I found out familiar faces attending this year FOSDEM like Curtis Poe, Paul Evans and Salve J. Nilsen. Although the location wasn't far from my place but timing wasn't ideal. I wish I was mentally prepared to attend this year FOSDEM. I even saw a post by Theo van Hoesel with regard to TPRF sponsored Dinner at FOSDEM. It would have been a great opportunity to meet good old friends. Paul shared the live video link from the event. I was able to watch the fun luckily thanks to the organiser. I am hoping the video recordings of the event would be made public soon. Here is the schedule of Perl and Raku Programming devroom.

Have you tried ChatGPT?

I have and I find it fun playing with it. Recently I asked "How do I check if memcached server is running locally and listening to default port?". Like always, I got instant response with few lines of Perl to get the desired result. Guess what, it didn't do what I asked it to do. I went back and asked again. This time, I got another variation. I tried that too but no luck. By now, I was too tired to repeat the question. I then used CPAN module IO::Socket::INET to see if I can create socket. I know it is not ideal but does the job. Time to move on to next thing in the long TODO list.

Does a programmer need to know system admin task also?

I have been a programmer and only programmer all my life. I remember in the past, I was sent to a week long training to learn sysadmin tasks. It was fresh for a week after the training then I was back to my programmer life. I did enjoy the training and learnt few tricks. As some of you know about my CPAN module, Map::Tube, I published in 2010. I decided to create REST API interface to play with it. Luckily I had another CPAN module, Map::Tube::Server. With this, I was able to setup the server in no time on my local box. Now comes the difficult task, create service to manage the server. Being a programmer doesn't help the cause, also when your box is running WSL and not real linux. With the limitation of WSL, I had only one option to create service based on init.d. It wasn't hard to create service file for the map server. I could even use the service to start the server but termination didn't work for some strange reason. I didn't have the energy to ask ChatGPT for help. It has to wait for now.

I am thinking of writing a blog post about the whole process, if I can find spare moment.

Enjoy rest of the newsletter and do share your Perl story with us.

Your editor: Mohammad Sajid Anwar.


February 08, 2024 @ 6pm CT ~ Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting

Let us all meet virtual and celebrate Perl with fellow hackers.


This Week in PSC (134)

Another weekly update from the Perl Steering Council. Thank you PSC for all the hard work.

The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge by Mohammad Anwar will help you step out of your comfort-zone. We pick one champion at the end of the month from all of the contributors during the month.

The Weekly Challenge - 255

Welcome to a new week with a couple of fun tasks: "Odd Character" and "Most Frequent Word". If you are new to the weekly challenge, why not join us and have fun every week? For more information, please read the FAQ.

RECAP - The Weekly Challenge - 254

Enjoy a quick recap of last week's contributions by Team PWC dealing with the "Three Power" and "Reverse Vowels" tasks in Perl and Raku. You will find plenty of solutions to keep you busy.


Compact one-liner in Perl to get the job done. Well done.

Reverse Power

Enjoy more than just the solutions to the weekly tasks. Highly recommended.

PWC 254 Task 1, Three Power

Interesting discussion about power of three and the confusion around it. You will enjoyed the discussion.

reverse_vowels('Weekly Challenge') eq 'Weekly Challenge'

Another fact finding story of week number 254. Solution itself is self documented. Thanks for sharing.

Perl Weekly Challenge: Week 254

Here we get to know how Raku deals with decimal number and work around the issues. Good job.

Reverse Power

Love the extension and dealing with non-latin characters. Keep it up great work.

Perl Weekly Challenge 254: Three Power

Interesting use of log function in Perl and Raku. Interesting discussion on the topic.

Perl Weekly Challenge 254: Reverse Vowels

Precise dealing with case just to be perfect solution as always. Thanks for sharing.

vowels and roots

Simple and to the point solutions in Raku, Python and PostgreSQL. Plenty to keep you busy.

Perl Weekly Challenge 254

Perl one-liner in action as expected with enough explanation. Well done.

Reverse Vowels by the Power of Three

Once again recursion is in action. Well documented and compact solutions. Keep it up great work.

Triumvirate and Treamviruti?

I love the code coverage. No if no but, all inclusive solution. Nice work.

The Weekly Challenge #254

Clarity in discussion makes it easy to follow thorough. Thanks for sharing the knowledge.

Reverse the Power of Three Vowels

Pure mathematical approach with the help of Ruby as the choose language in the post. Thank you.

Power to the vowels

A very interesting aspect of the task discussed in a simple language. Good job.

PWC 254

For all Perl 4 fans, you don't want to miss this. keep it up great work.


2024.05 Brain NRG

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NICEPERL's lists

Great CPAN modules released last week;
MetaCPAN weekly report.

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(C) Copyright Gabor Szabo
The articles are copyright the respective authors.

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