Some Perl libraries (or frameworks if you wish) have their own web sites asides from Meta::CPAN that allow customization and more "personalization".
For example:
- Perl Dancer
- Mojolicous
- Catalyst
- perlbrew
- cpanm
- Plack
- Perl::Critic
- App::TimmeTracker
- Rexify
- wxPerl
- Pherkin a.k.a. Test::BDD::Cucumber
- Padre
It is very easy to create a static web site free of charge on GitHub pages, but I could understand if people were reluctant to promote a URL that is based on a commercial service.
On the other hand they might not want to spend 10-20 USD/year on a domain name.
It might be interesting if they could get a subdomain name under or maybe that would be set up to DNS resolve to the GitHub pages IP address or to some other similar service.