GitHub Sponsors 💰 and Perl 🐫
Gabor Szabo - May 21 - - Dev Community
I was hoping to be able to write something more interesting about the GitHub Sponsors of various Perl developers, but so far I only found a few people and neither of them, well except myself, if I can still count in the group has any income via GitHub Sponsors.
Is it because they don't promote it enough?
Is it because the Explore GitHub Sponsors does not support the Perl/CPAN ecosystem?
Anyway, it would be really nice to see a few people starting to sponsors these people. That would be an encouragement to them and maybe also to others to support them.
linux, perl and inline skating enthusiast 🔌. trapd00r has 260 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
magnus woldrich
Making things with software since 1984. davorg has 200 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Dave Cross
IT Senior Security Consultant & Full Stack Developer - giterlizzi
Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
nigelhorne has 108 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Nigel Horne
michal-josef-spacek has 529 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Michal Josef Špaček
Teaching Rust, Python, Git, GitHub, Docker, test automation. - szabgab
Gábor Szabó
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