What has Changed? - CodingDojo

Tina Huynh - Sep 7 - - Dev Community

"Land Your Dream Job in Tech" says CodingDojo

Since I've posted the first in this series "First Look Into CodingDojo" their reason to choosing their bootcamp has changed and not only in the number of years.

Back in 2/12/2023 the website had this on the home page:

Old reasoning

And now on 9/6/2024 this appears in the frequently asked questions section instead:

New reasoning

Hmmm...how interesting. Did they realize what the actual ratio of graduates who found jobs in tech within the "promised timeframe" and the graduates who simply went back to their previous jobs was NOT what they were telling people and advertising? Oops?

Programs They Offer

Back in 2/12/2023, they offered three types of software development programs (online full-time, online part-time accelerated, and online part-time flex), data science online part-time, and cybersecurity also online.

Today, they are offering software developmeng online full-time and online part-time accelerated. But no worries, the amount of weeks and hours per week are the same. Except the part-time accelerated as admittedly changed their hours from 25-30 hours a week to 30 hours a week.


Coding Dojo used to have a Discord server available for both current students, alumni, and staff. This was where students would be able to get advice from alumni and staff members. There would be channels for specific topics such as resumes, job searching, specific programming languages, potential project collaborations, etc. It was a great community.

This was also where classes had their private channels and communicated for coursework if needed.

Then people started to talk. What was really happening behind the scenes? And the instructors or TAs didn't exactly care a lot about keeping secrets from their students. We were all on the same playing field to get jobs in the field. They were simply folks who either came from the field and chose to teach, couldn't find jobs in the field after graduating, were still in school after graduating to get a better education, or something along that mix. Everyone talked.

And soon, the Discord server went down. But those who were close kept in touch and the teachers and TAs who cared kept in contact with their students, we were friends and they were our mentors. That in itself never changed.

Career Services

I cannot seem to find this section in their website ANYWHERE anymore

where alumni work

Maybe it got replaced with this?

Refine your possible


Maybe find an alumni in the program you're looking into before enrolling....

Happy coding!

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