Fast Streaming into Clickhouse with Apache Pulsar

Timothy Spann. 🇺🇦 - Apr 28 '22 - - Dev Community

Source: Clickhouse


Fast Streaming into Clickhouse with Apache Pulsar - Meetup 2022

StreamNative - Apache Pulsar - Stream to Altinity Cloud - Clickhouse



altinity cloud setup


  • Login
  • Launch Cluster
  • Explore
  • Build table

drop table iotjetsonjson ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';
drop table iotjetsonjson_local ON CLUSTER '{cluster}';

CREATE TABLE iotjetsonjson_local
    uuid String, 
    camera String,
    ipaddress String,  
    networktime String, 
        top1pct String, 
    top1 String, 
    cputemp String, 
    gputemp String,
        gputempf String,
    cputempf String, 
    runtime String,
    host String,
    filename String,  
    host_name String, 
        macaddress String, 
    te String, 
    systemtime String,
    cpu String,
        diskusage String,
    memory String, 
    imageinput String
ENGINE = MergeTree()
  ORDER BY (uuid);

CREATE TABLE iotjetsonjson ON CLUSTER '{cluster}' AS iotjetsonjson_local
ENGINE = Distributed('{cluster}', default, iotjetsonjson_local, rand());

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select uuid, top1pct, top1, gputempf, cputempf
from iotjetsonjson
where toFloat32OrZero(top1pct) > 40
order by toFloat32OrZero(top1pct) desc, systemtime desc

select uuid, systemtime, networktime, te, top1pct, top1, cputempf, gputempf, cpu, diskusage, memory,filename
from iotjetsonjson 
order by systemtime desc

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Altinity Cloud / Clickhouse / JDBC Sink Configuration

tenant: "public"
namespace: "default"
name: "jdbc-clickhouse-sink-iot"
topicName: "persistent://public/default/iotjetsonjson"
sinkType: "jdbc-clickhouse"
    userName: "youradminname"
    password: "somepasswordthatiscool"
    jdbcUrl: "jdbc:clickhouse://"
    tableName: "iotjetsonjson_local"

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Build the Pulsar environment (Or Just click create topic in StreamNative Cloud)

bin/pulsar-admin sinks stop --tenant public --namespace default --name jdbc-clickhouse-sink-iot
bin/pulsar-admin sinks delete --tenant public --namespace default --name jdbc-clickhouse-sink-iot
bin/pulsar-admin sinks restart --tenant public --namespace default --name jdbc-clickhouse-sink-iot

bin/pulsar-admin sinks create --archive ./connectors/pulsar-io-jdbc-clickhouse-2.10.0.nar --inputs iotjetsonjson --name jdbc-clickhouse-sink-iot --sink-config-file conf/clickhouseiot.yml --parallelism 1
bin/pulsar-admin sinks list --tenant public --namespace default
bin/pulsar-admin sinks get --tenant public --namespace default --name jdbc-clickhouse-sink-iot
bin/pulsar-admin sinks status --tenant public --namespace default --name jdbc-clickhouse-sink-iot

bin/pulsar-client consume "persistent://public/default/iotjetsonjson" -s iotjetsonjson-reader

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