Introducing a GitHub Action for Interacting with Lagoon

Alanna Burke - Mar 7 - - Dev Community

We're excited to announce the release of the Lagoon Action – a GitHub Action that allows you to integrate with Lagoon, making it easy for you to automate your deployment workflows and manage Lagoon environments directly from your GitHub repository.

Currently the Lagoon action allows you to:

  • Deploy branches and PRs
  • Upsert environment variables

Taken together, these two features open up a range of new deployment strategies on Lagoon.

For instance, Lagoon only presently responds to a subset of GitHub webhook options. Now, with the Lagoon action, you’re able to run your CI processes in GitHub itself, and instead of having a webhook call deploy your environment, you can choose to deploy only if the CI process passes.

Getting Started

Getting started with the Lagoon Action is straightforward. Add the action to your GitHub workflow, configure the required parameters, and you're ready to automate your Lagoon deployments. Check out the GitHub repository for detailed documentation and examples.


To use the Lagoon CLI Action, ensure you have set up a GitHub Actions secret containing a private SSH key with the necessary permissions added to the Lagoon API. This key will be used for authentication during the deployment process.

We’d love to know if you use this and how it helps your workflow! Hop in to the Lagoon Discord and drop us a line!

And don’t forget our 2024 Community Survey! Let us know how we can best serve the Lagoon community.

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