What's New With Lagoon: Build Warnings

Alanna Burke - Mar 22 '24 - - Dev Community

Nobody likes dealing with broken builds, so we’ve tried to make it easier with Lagoon. Lagoon now has the ability to identify potential issues with the build, and highlight them as warnings without failing. This is also a way for the Lagoon team to inform you of pending deprecations and changes to functionality. For example, if we make a change to a setting in lagoon.yml, and there’s something you need to change, the warning will mention it, so you’ll be able to change it before it becomes a breaking change. You’ll still want to resolve these issues ASAP, but they shouldn’t stop your build. If you’re not sure how to resolve them, as always, you can reach out to your Lagoon administrator or the Lagoon community.

Here's a screenshot with an example of a build warning. You can see that the log will have a tag indicating that the build was “Completed with warnings,” and when you expand the log, you’ll see the warning message. Message text will vary depending on the warning, but this gives you an idea.

Screenshot of Lagoon log with build wanings

At the bottom of the log, you can also see how many warnings were in the build:

Screenshot ofo bottom of Lagoon log with count of build warnings

We’ve also updated our docs with some common issues, so take a look at Lagoon Build Errors and Warnings and Common Docker Compose Issues.

We hope this makes your workflow smoother! Let us know by chiming in on the Lagoon Discord.

And don’t forget our 2024 Community Survey! Tell us how the Lagoon community can best serve you.

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