What's New With Lagoon: UI Improvements

Alanna Burke - Feb 16 '24 - - Dev Community

We’re always working to improve our UI, so we thought we’d highlight some new updates and changes!

Create Environment Button

You can now create an environment from the UI! On the project dashboard, you’ll see the new button.

The environment button is visible on the dashboard.

You’ll be led through the steps to create an environment.

Manage Variables in the UI

A totally new feature in Lagoon is the ability to manage variables through the UI!

From the project dashboard, you’ll see the Variables tab, which will display the variables you’ve set, if any. The UI allows you to view or hide the value of the variables. You can also add, modify, and delete variables here.

View of the Variables dashboard.

Adding a new variable.
Adding a new variable.


You may have already seen this one as we rolled it out a little while back, but we’ve also improved the viewing experience for logs in the UI. Logs are now split into sections, making them much easier to review.

An example of the new logs.

Expanding the log section.

Dark Mode

You can now switch between dark and light mode in the Lagoon UI via a handy icon on the top toolbar! We know what a highly requested feature this is.

In light mode, toggle the moon icon to switch to dark mode.

In dark mode, toggle the sun icon to switch to light mode.

That’s all for now, but stay tuned for more updates about Lagoon! You didn’t hear it from us, but rumor has it that the Lagoon UI v2 is officially in the works. Want to give us feedback or help out? Join the Lagoon community on Discord and say hello!

And don’t forget our 2024 Community Survey! Let us know how we can best serve the Lagoon community.

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