We’ve been working on a big documentation update here at Lagoon, and we’re excited to announce that it’s live! Let’s talk about what’s new:
- Re-organized sections. You’ll now find Basic and Advanced Lagoon Concepts along with Using Lagoon - The Basics and Advanced. There’s now a section on Lagoonizing your site, as well as Interacting with Lagoon. We hope that these changes help to guide users through the docs in a natural way.
- Organizations! You may have heard about this new feature, but if not, you can learn about it now. It’s in a new subsection that explains the various building blocks of Lagoon.
- You can find a handful of guides showing how to perform various tasks related to organizations in the new Interacting section, where we use a handy tool called Scribe to generate brief UI demos. We plan to use this tool to create more robust documentation in the future!
- Some info on common Build Errors and Warnings.
- Some Common Docker Compose Errors.
What’s your most visited Lagoon docs page? Anything you wish we covered, or covered in more depth? Let us know!
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