Do you cross-post/share anywhere other than DEV?
- Personal Site?
- Hashnode
- Medium
- LinkedIn Article (not post)
Share your experience, and whether cross-posting to anywhere else has helped build your community and drive meaningful engagement.
My current Process
I currently post all articles to my personal site, and they show up in my DEV dashboard as a draft. I fix the missing cover image, and language from code blocks and post when ready.
Some posts stop here.
Flagship posts get shared heavily
- Newsletter
For flagship posts, I make sure that I share it to Twitter and LinkedIn.
My Twitter account is small beans so it drives very little engagement, that's hardly worth the effort. The same core friends that I have on Twitter also are connected on LinkedIn anyways.
For LinkedIn, I make sure that I summarize the article in 800-1300 characters, as I anticipate most people just read the summary on LinkedIn and move on without clicking the article.
I also attempt to keep up a monthly newsletter where I share all of my articles.
Share with us if you have found benefit from cross-posting or sharing your articles somewhere else.